Global Web Switching Parameters
The following global Web Switching Management rules apply to all sheet types:
Rule Name
Valid Values
This parameter defines whether instructed actions sent to SCADA should automatically complete the initiating switching step when the SCADA action is complete. Product has this value set to true.
Number Value
This parameter defines how long (in seconds) the server will gather sheet and safety document updates before broadcasting those updates to the clients. The longer the time period, the better your performance will be, but also the longer the users may have to wait for updates to occur within the Switching Sheet List and Safety Document List. The time specified here is the maximum amount of time the users would have to wait for an update. By default, this parameter will be set to 15 seconds. If a value of 0 is specified, then no broadcasts will occur and the lists will rely on manual refreshes by users. Unless disabled, the minimum value is 5 (seconds); therefore, if the number value is less than 5, it will be converted to 5.
String Value
A list of tools or adapters that should get safety document updates. If this parameter is not specified, then "SafetyList" is used by default. If your project has an adapter that wants to listen for safety document updates, then that adapter's name needs to be added to this list delimited by a "+" sign. Example: SafetyList+MySafetyAdapter+MyOtherSafetyAdapter
See the Web Switching and Web Safety Notifications chapter in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Adapters Guide for more details.
String Value
A list of tools or adapters that should get switching sheet updates. If this parameter is not specified, then "SwitchingList" is used by default. If your project has an adapter that wants to listen for switching sheet updates, then that adapter's name needs to be added to this list delimited by a "+" sign.
Example: SwitchingList+MyAdapter+MyOtherAdapter
See the Web Switching and Web Safety Notifications chapter in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Adapters Guide for more details.
String - Crew Field
Allows projects to specify what crew field to display in the various crew related fields found in Web Switching and Web Safety.
The Crew field to use when populating the switching step, switching audit logs, safety audit logs and event log step entries pertaining to crews. Possible valid values
include: contact, crewName, crewType, comments, custom1, and custom2.
Only one of the possible values can be specified. Leaving this property blank will result in the value defaulting to crewName.
Set this to true when you want to disable all versioning for the switching sheets. A "force" parameter can be used to force the checking in and incrementing of the sheet's version in the command calls to CheckInSheetVersionCommand and IncrementVersionCommand in required places if the global versioning is disabled. By default this option is set to false.
String Value
Comma delimited list of fields that should be cleared from the JSON data structure before it is written to the file. For instance to clear an extension value for the sheet specify "extensions.Voltage". To clear a step extension field, specify "steps.extensions.details". You will need to look at the JSON data to determine the structure of the field name. Safety document data is found within the "safetyDocuments" attribute. The "metadata" attributes in the file should be left alone.
String Value
Comma delimited list of fields that should be cleared from the JSON data structure before it is imported into NMS. For instance to clear an extension value for the sheet specify "extensions.Voltage". To clear a step extension field, specify "steps.extensions.details". You will need to look at the JSON data to determine the structure of the field name. Safety document data is found within the "safetyDocuments" attribute. The "metadata" attributes in the file should be left alone. They are used to generate an audit log entry for the imported switching sheet.
Number Value
The maximum number of switching sheets that can be imported or exported in one batch request.
String Value
The name given to the single user lock entry when an export or import operation is under way. This lock keeps multiple users from initiating batch import or export operations at the same time.
Number Value
This is the maximum number of sheets the user can have loaded in NMS at any one time. If the user attempts to load more sheets than this, then they will be issued an error indicating the limit.
When adding steps to the Event Details Steps tab, only pull steps from the Misc Log. If the steps are recorded under another Event's Steps list or are part of another sheet, then leave those steps where they are. The Event Log for the event will still show the operational steps related to that event. When set to false, we'll gather steps from sheets and the Misc Log. We will take any step that has a JobStep relationship to the event in question. By default this option is set to true.
Number Value
State key to reset safety documents to during a Training Scenario Reset Model operation.
Number Value
State key to reset switching sheets to during a Training Scenario Reset Model operation.
define when device attribute driven fields on a safety document should be updated.
Comma Delimited List of Safety Document State Keys
One of the states the safety document must be in for the rule to apply. If blank, then all states.
Comma Delimited List of Safety Document types
The type of safety document this rule should apply to. If blank, then all types.
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The device class and index fields from the parent switching sheet.
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The attribute fields from the database view ATT_SUPPLIMENTAL_ATTRIBUTES. To exclude attributes from the parent switching sheet and only include step (device) column values, then specify "IGNORE". The source_attribute_fields, source_step_fields and target_fields config parameters must have the same number of comma delimited values. All rule parameters must be specified even if you do not intend to assign it a value.
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The step field names as defined for each column in the SafetyBody.xml file. To exclude step (device) values, indicate "IGNORE".
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The target fields on the body of the safety document that should be populated with the accumulated data.
Only populate the target_fields if they are blank.
The number of safety copy-clear field rules defined. The safety.copy rules define the fields that should be cleared in a safety document when it is copied.
Comma Delimited List
A comma delimited list of safety document extension fields that should be cleared when a safety document is copied.
The safety document type that has safety copy-clear field rules.
Comma Delimited List
The list of control actions that should be kept when a safety document is copied as a stand alone safety document. For instance, safety documents have Place condition, Remove condition and safety state transition actions, but when copied only the Place condition actions are needed in the new stand alone safety document. Device operation (Open/Close) actions are prohibited.
The format of the values are <act_cls>:<act_idx>. act_cls and act_idx pairs are a subset of the actions configured in the swman_safety_type_actions table.
Example for a Hold Document:
Safety.device.status_icon.<EDIT STATE>
String Value - Icon name
This parameter defines the icon name for each of the device list edit states. The device list edit states include:
ADD - The device has been added as part of a viewer device selection.
ADD_STEP - The device has been added as part of a switching sheet step association.
COND_APPLIED - The condition has been applied and updated to the device in the device list.
INCOMPLETE - The device is associated to a switching step where the condition has already been applied to the device.
REMOVE - The device has been marked for removal and will be removed the next time the document transitions from the Unissued to Issued state.
REMOVED - The device has been removed from the device list. These devices are filtered out of the device list.
Comma Delimited List
List of safety document extension values that may be used internally, but should not be saved to the database. As such, if an extension is in this list and not configured as an extension value in the eclipselink‑orm.xml file, then no error will be issued for a missing extension that does not have a matching SWMAN_SAFETY_DOCS database tab
Number Value
The number of safety document types as defined by the number of parameters.
Comma Delimited List
The comma delimited list of safety document states. If a switching sheet’s associated safety document is of the specified type ( and it's in one of the configured states specified by this parameter, then that safety document will be included in a switching sheet step’s Link to Safety Document right click context menu option list. For more details, see description for the Link to Safety Document option described in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System User's Guide.
String Value
The safety document type. The type# parameter will be "type1" to "typeN" where "N" is the number specified in parameter safety.num_types. Each numbered parameter value will be a single document type. For instance, values could be, but not limited to, HOLD, HOT, CLEAR, INFO. or WARN.
This configuration option defines how a project utilizes conditions and how they relate to switching steps and safety documents. When this option is set to false, specific conditions are tracked in the safety documents and in the switching sheet steps. When the option is set to true, the only thing switching sheet steps and safety documents are looking for is a condition type and not a specific condition. For further details see the documentation for the JBot command StateTransitionCommand. In Product configuration, search for status flag UNLINK_CONDS_FROM_SHEET_STEPS and where it its true value is checked for an example on how to use the parameter. Product uses this JBot status flag to track the setting of this unlinkConditionsFromSheetSteps parameter and configure Product to work appropriately based on the parameter value.
Switching sheet preferences are stored for the one sheet that has focus when preferences are stored. Some projects may have significant configuration differences between their sheet types and this can cause issues if a user has a sheet up when their preferences are saved. For these projects, the only option is to not have a sheet up when preferences are saved or turn this option to false to keep your users from accidentally saving switching sheet related preferences that may not apply to all of the project's sheet types. By default, if this property is not set, it will be set to true.
String Value
This parameter defines the header description for the miscellaneous steps block in a FLISR switching sheet. All of the miscellaneous actions related to the FLISR event are displayed in this block of steps. Product configured description is "Miscellaneous Steps".
The number of SHEET_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE rules defined. The SHEET_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE rules
define when device attribute driven fields on a switching sheet should be updated.
Comma Delimited List of Sheet State Keys
One of the states the switching sheet must be in for the rule to apply. If blank, then all states.
Comma Delimited List of Sheet types
The type of switching sheet this rule should apply to. If blank, then all types.
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The device class and index fields from the switching sheet.
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The attribute fields from the database view ATT_SUPPLIMENTAL_ATTRIBUTES. To exclude attributes from the switching
sheet and only include step column values, then specify "IGNORE". The source_attribute_fields, source_step_fields and target_fields config parameters must have the same number of comma delimited values. All rule parameters must be specified even if you do not intend to assign it a value.
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The step field names as defined for each column in the SwmanSteps.xml file. To exclude step values, indicate "IGNORE".
Comma Delimited List of Field Names
The target fields on the body of the switching sheet that should be populated with the accumulated data.
Only populate the target_fields if they are blank.
Comma Delimited List of Step State Keys
This is the list of states that will keep this rule from being applied. If any step is found with any of these states, then the sheet state action will not be applied.
Comma Delimited List of Sheet State Keys
This is the list of sheet states that will allow this rule to be applied. This rule is normally used when there are no steps in the sheet and the state of the sheet has to be used instead. For instance, when removing steps from a sheet.
Comma Delimited List of Sheet types
This is the list of sheet types that will allow this rule to be applied. This is normally used to restrict rule to specific sheet types.
Comma Delimited List of Step State Keys
This is the list of states that will trigger this rule to be applied. If any step is found with any of these states, then the sheet state action indicated in this rule will be applied to the sheet.
Single Sheet State Action Name
This is the sheet state action name that should be applied to the sheet when the disallowed_step_states and required_step_states checks have passed. See database table TE_STATE_ACTIONS for a list of available actions configured where the APP field is equal to WSW.
If needed, multiple sheet states to transition through can be provided by listing the sheet states in a comma delimited string. The sheet will be transitioned through the states, from left to right, as they are listed in the string. This may be needed for situations where the plan needs to transition first to an intermediate state before it can be transitioned to the desired final state. An example within product configuration would be to transition to "In‑Progress (Instructed)" to "In‑Progress(Completed)" to "Completed" after all steps in a plan have been completed successfully.
Number Value
The number of sheet state from step rules configured from 1 to the value configured for this parameter.
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.<Sheet Class #>.<Current Sheet State>.<New State Action Name>.AuditLogMsg = {SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text}
String Value
This is the audit log message to be populated into the SWMAN_AUDIT_LOG database table. This value will be populated into the LOG_COMMENT record field. This value can include a variable from the sheet tool's property file. In which case, the variable will be substituted for the value defined in the tool's property file. That same property value is normally used for state transition messages configured on the client side.
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.<Sheet Class #>.AuditLogType
String Value
This is the audit log type to be populated into the SWMAN_AUDIT_LOG database table. This value would be populated into the AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE record field. For state transitions, this would normally be set to STATE.
Number Value
The number of sheet feeder update rules configured from 1 to the value configured for this parameter. The rules are used to populate a switching sheet's Current Feeder and Current Substation fields with values as determined from the sheet's master device and devices used to populate the Steps list. All rule parameters must be specified even if you do not intend to assign it a value. The first rule that matches a sheet's type and states will be used and no further rules will be applied for that sheet.
Comma Delimited List of Sheet Class Numbers
The types of sheets that this rule will apply to. If blank, then this check applies to all sheet types.
Comma Delimited List of Sheet State Keys
One of the listed states the sheet has to be in for the rule to apply. If blank, then this check applies to all sheet states.
String Value
The target field that should be populated with the list of current feeders.
String Value
The target field that should be populated with the list of current substations.
Number Value
The number of safety document feeder update rules configured from 1 to the value configured for this parameter. The rules are used to populate a safety document's Current Feeder and Current Substation fields with values as determined from the document's master device and devices used to populate the Device lists. The document's master device is only used when dealing with stand-alone safety documents. These rules also do not apply if the parent sheet type does not have a rule that will update similar fields. In other words, the parent sheet has to be updated before the associated safety documents can be updated. All rule parameters must be specified even if you do not intend to assign it a value. The first rule that matches a document's type and states will be used and no further rules will be applied for that safety document.
Comma Delimited List of Safety Document Class Numbers
The types of safety documents that this rule will apply to. If blank, then this check applies to all safety document types.
Comma Delimited List of Safety Document State Keys
One of the listed states the safety document has to be in for the rule to apply. If blank, then this check applies to all safety document states.
String Value
The target field that should be populated with the list of current feeders.
String Value
The target field that should be populated with the list of current substations.
The number of sheet copy-clear field rules defined. The sheet.copy rules define the fields that should be cleared in a switching sheet when it is copied.
The class of switching sheet that has sheet copy-clear field rules.
Comma Delimited List
A comma delimited list of switching sheet extension field names that should be cleared when a switching sheet is copied.
Comma Delimited List
A comma delimited list of core switching sheet field names that should be cleared when a switching sheet is copied. For example: completedDate.
Comma Delimited List
A comma delimited list of switching sheet step extension fields that should be cleared when a switching sheet is copied.
Comma Delimited List
A comma delimited list of generic tables that should be copied when a switching sheet is copied. See Generic Tables for information.
Comma Delimited List
List of sheet extension values that may be used internally, but should not be saved to the database. As such, if an extension is in this list and not configured as an extension value in the eclipselink‑orm.xml file, then no error will be issued for a missing extension that does not have a matching SWMAN_SHEET database table column.
Replication Switching Sheet Rule. A hard limit on how many switching sheets are allowed to be created based on a replication pattern and date period specified on the Request tab. This is only valid for Planned sheets.
If this parameter is set to true, then the user is required to take authority of the FUZZY zone to see switching sheets that are not associated to a modeled device. This parameter only comes into play when the environment is setup to filter switching sheets within the Open Switching Sheet list based on zones of authority.
JBot Flag Name
This is the flag used to determine if the stand alone safety document has been edited or not. If it has been edited, then change the safety document tab label to an italicized text.
Control Tool Act Key
This act key is used by internal processing to determine if a step has been completed.
Control Tool Act Key
This act key is used by internal processing to determine if a step has been instructed.
Control Tool Act Key
This act key is used by internal processing to determine when a step has been SCADA Instructed.
Control Tool Act Key
This act key is assigned to a step when an CLOSE device operation message is processed by the Web Switching service. This can happen when a device is closed by a SCADA system.
This option defines whether the crew should migrate back to the switching sheet's master device within the viewer when a step has been instructed and completed. If set to false, the crew will remain on the last instructed device after it has been completed.
Comma Delimited List
List of step extension values that may be used internally, but should not be saved to the database. As such, if an extension is in this list and not configured as an extension value in the eclipselink‑orm.xml file, then no error will be issued for a missing extension that does not have a matching SWMAN_STEP database table column.
Control Tool Act Key
This act key is assigned to a step when an OPEN device operation message is processed by the Web Switching service. This can happen when a device is opened by a SCADA system.
String Value
When creating a switching sheet for an event, suppress the logic that moves the event's associated steps from the Misc Log to the newly created switching sheet. This parameter takes a comma delimited list of sheet types. For example: FLISR, Emergency
String Value
This is the database SQL query to get terminal or final states for sheets which would be excluded while processing model changes.
String Value
This is the database SQL query to get steps with excluded states and types of sheets.
To disable this query, set it to an empty string. If this query is enabled again, you should run the following database update:
UPDATE swman_patches SET patch_time = SYSDATE;
If you do not, you risk having the system process a lot of unnecessary model changes that have occurred since the last time the logic was enabled.
Replace the alias $SWMAN_STATES_TO_EXCLUDE_QUERY$ with a literal list of values for the states to exclude, otherwise the result of SWMAN_STATES_TO_EXCLUDE_QUERY will be used.
Replace the alias $SWMAN_TYPES_TO_EXCLUDE_QUERY$ with a literal list of values for the sheet types to exclude, otherwise the result of SWMAN_TYPES_TO_EXCLUDE_QUERY will be used.
String Value
This is the database SQL query to get terminal or final sheet types which would be excluded while processing model changes.
JBot Flag Name
This is the flag to check to determine if the sheet has been edited or not. If it has been edited, then change the sheet tab to an italicized text.
Number Value
The number of milliseconds to wait before submitting a request to gather event and crew information for a switching sheet. During this wait, if another update request comes in then the timer is reset. This feature is in place to eliminate multiple unnecessary requests back to the server for event and crew related updates when the client is receiving a ton of requests. This can happen in a storm or when an event suddenly generates a lot of SRSOutput messages. This timer is not used when first loading a switching sheet. This timer based delay is only used when getting updates dynamically as part of an outside update request. Default value is 1000. A setting of 0 will disable the feature, but will also impact performance of the environment.
For the sheet state transitions (SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP), the # values can be a unique sequential number from 1 to the value configured for SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.number_of_rules. The rules should be ordered in such a way that when the first rule is determined to be true, then the subsequent rules will be ignored. These rules are used to transition a switching sheet based on the step states. For instance, if a step transitions into the instructed state, then the state of the sheet is set appropriately as well.
Note: Each rule has to include all five of the parameters. Give the parameter a blank value if it is not required, but always include all parameters when specifying a new rule.
Example: setting the sheet state to In Progress (Real-Time Instructed Steps) when an instructed step in status 310 is found.
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.1.sheet_state_action = instruct_step
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.1.disallowed_step_states =
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.1.required_step_states = 310, 290
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.1.required_sheet_states =
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.1.required_sheet_type =
If that rule does not pass, then the next rule is checked until one of the rules causes the sheet state to be updated. If no rule is applied, then no change will be made to the sheet's state.
Example: the sheet is transitioned to the In Progress (Real-Time Completed Steps) when there are no instructed steps and at least one step in the state indicated in the required_step_states parameter.
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.2.sheet_state_action = complete_step
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.2.disallowed_step_states = 310, 290
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.2.required_step_states = 265, 270, 280, 320, 365
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.2.required_sheet_states =
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.2.required_sheet_type =
Example: if the sheet is in the In Progress (Real-Time Instructed Steps) state and you don't have any instructed steps, then we transition to the In Progress (Real-Time Completed Steps) state.
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.3.sheet_state_action = complete_step
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.3.disallowed_step_states = 310
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.3.required_step_states =
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.3.required_sheet_states = 210
SHEET_STATE_FROM_STEP.3.required_sheet_type =
Example: in this scenario, we describe how to configure the audit log messages for the Emergency switching sheet when it goes into the In Progress state.
# Status 50 - New (Emergency)
# Status 220 - Hold/Pending
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.3109.50.instruct_step.AuditLogMsg = {SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text}
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.3109.50.complete_step.AuditLogMsg = {SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text}
# emerg_active is used when creating an Emergency sheet from an event.
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.3109.50.emerg_activate.AuditLogMsg = {SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text}
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.3109.220.instruct_step.AuditLogMsg = {SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text}
SHEET_STATE_TRANS.3109.220.complete_step.AuditLogMsg = {SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text}
The Product Emergency switching sheet uses class number 3109. Specifying the current state of the sheet as part of the parameter name, is optional. If the current state is not given, then any time the sheet action instruct_step, emerg_activate, or complete_step are initiated, the audit log will be created. Since a sheet can jump between the states for the instruct_step and complete_step, we need to specify the from state value. Otherwise we would get a new audit log message each time a step in the sheet is instructed and completed.
Since we use variables for AuditLogMsg, the actual audit log message has to be looked up in the file. For Product this values is set to
SWMAN_AUDITLOG.STATE_CHANGE.text = Switching Sheet State Change
At this time, comments from other fields on the switching sheet cannot be incorporated into the server based audit log messages. That type of audit log message still has to be initiated from the client side through a JBot command called AddAuditLogDetailsCommand.
Note Concerning Control Action Descriptions
In order to have switching steps added to the Event Log and a new switching sheet created from an event (through Event Details or the Work Agenda), the control action records associated to those steps have to have "Description" entries configured. Within the CONTROL_ACT table, the control action records have to have a "description" value.
For example, if a SCADA operation creates an outage and that operation’s control action does not have a description, that operation will not be added to the Event Log. If an operator creates an Emergency switching sheet from the outage in the Work Agenda, the new sheet will not have that initial SCADA operation listed as a step. Conversely, if the operation has a description, the Event Log and Emergency switch sheet will list the SCADA operation.