Viewing Callback Assignments
With the View My Callback Lists window, you can view all of the callbacks currently assigned to you. To access the View My Callback Lists window, do any of the following:
Select the View My Callback Lists… option from the Actions menu, or
Click the View My Callback Lists button () on the toolbar, or
Click the View My Callbacks Lists… button beneath the Callbacks Summary pane.
This section includes the following topics:
View My Callback Lists Window
The View My Callback Lists window displays the following fields and buttons:
The User Name field displays the user name that you are logged in as.
The # of Callback Lists Assigned field displays the total number of events for which you have callback assignments.
The Event # column contains the event number associated with the callback list.
The # Callbacks column contains the number of callbacks assigned to you for the event.
The # Pri column contains the number of priority calls among your assigned callbacks for the event.
The % Comp column contains the percentage of your assigned callbacks that are complete.
The # Rem column contains the number of callbacks assigned to you for the event that need to be completed.
The Restore Date column contains the date and time the event was restored.
The Device column contains the name of the device associated with the event.
The Substation column contains the name of the substation for the device associated with the event.
The Unassign All button unassigns all of your remaining callbacks for all lists. This might be done if you are taking a break and therefore need to make the callbacks available for others to do. There is also an option under the View My Callback Lists window's Actions menu for this action.
The Perform Callback List… button opens the Perform Callback List window for the selected event, which allows you to enter the callback response for each callback assigned to you from that event. There is also an option under the View My Callback Lists window's Actions menu for this action.
The Cancel Callbacks button allows you to cancel all of your remaining callbacks for the selected event and consider them complete.
The Exit button closes the View My Callback Lists window.
Viewing Your Callback Assignments
To view callbacks assigned to you, complete these steps:
1. View My Callback Lists button () on the toolbar. The View My Callback Lists window opens, displaying all events with callbacks assigned to you.
2. Click the Exit button to exit the View My Callbacks Lists window.
Canceling Your Callback Assignments
To cancel callbacks assigned to you for a specific event, complete these steps:
1. Click the View My Callback Lists button () on the toolbar. The View My Callback Lists window opens, displaying all events with callbacks assigned to you.
2. Select the row of the event you wish to cancel your assigned callbacks for.
3. Click the Cancel Callbacks button. A confirmation dialog box appears.
4. Click the Yes button on the confirmation dialog box. Your assigned callbacks for that event are now considered complete. If there are no more uncompleted callbacks assigned to other users remaining for that event, that event row will disappear from the window. Otherwise, that event row will remain displayed until all callbacks for that event are complete.
5. Click the Exit button to exit the View My Callbacks Lists window.