Using the Analog Scaling Dialog Box
The Analog Scaling dialog box allows you the analog scaling parameters of an input or set of inputs.
The dialog consists of three sections:
Select Scaling option
Scaling Details
Select Scaling Option
The Select Scaling option allows you to assign individual scaling parameters to a set of inputs or to default to the IED scaling options.
IED Defaults: Selecting this option sets the scaling options for the points to the IED’s default values.
Point Overrides: Selecting this option allows you to override the IED default scaling options for the selected points.
Scaling Details
The following scaling parameters are available to set:
Absolute Change: The absolute deadband value
Percentage Change: The percentage deadband value
Multiplier: The scaling multiplier to apply.
Offset Before Multiplier: The offset to apply to the value before any multiplier is applied. Negative values are subtracted.
Offset After Multiplier: The offset to apply to the value after any multiplier is applied. Negative values are subtracted.
Each of the scaling parameters has two values:
IED: The IED default value. This field is not editable.
Point: The override value that will be used instead of the IED value. This field is only editable if the Point Overrides scaling option is enabled.
OK: Selecting OK closes the dialog and applies the scaling.
Cancel: Selecting Cancel closes the dialog and cancels the operation.
Help: Selecting Help invokes the online help.
IED Outputs
The IED Outputs shows a protocol specific list of the output points on the IED. Context sensitive menu options allow creation, deletion and editing of output points.
Menus and Toolbars
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the window.
Tools Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Shows the associated device in the Viewer.
View Device Links...
Displays the device links window for the IED allowing you to maintain the link between an IED input and a SCADA measurement.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Create Outputs
Invokes the Create Output dialog box allowing you to create new outputs. See Create Outputs.
Update Analog Outputs
Invokes the Update Outputs dialog box to allow the selected analogs to be updated. See Update Outputs.
Update Digital Outputs
Invokes the Update Input dialog box to allow the selected digitals to be updated. See Update Outputs.
Delete Outputs
Deletes the selected outputs. A confirmation dialog box is invoked to confirm.
Enable Outputs
Enables the selected outputs. You can now send a control request to the measurement associated with the output.
Disable Outputs
Disables the selected outputs. You can no longer send a control request to the measurement associated with the output.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Sort Dialog...
Invokes the sort dialog window to allow custom sorts of the output list.
Sort the output list by the default sort. The default sort is based on the protocol of the IED.
DNP3: Sort on the Information Object Address.
IEC104: Sort on the address
ICCP: Sort by Transfer Set
Sort by the type of the input (analog and digital).
RTI Alias
Sort by the RTI Alias of the linked NMS device.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
IED Outputs Help
Launches online help for IED Outputs.
The IED Output columns list includes the following items, some of which are only populated if the output is linked to a device measurement:
Output Type: Analog or Digital
Control: Whether the output is enabled or disabled.
Protocol Specific Address fields.
Point Name: Unique (on the IED) name for the point
RTI Alias: Unique measurement identifier (if linked)
Attribute: What type of device measurement the output is for (if linked)
Phase: Indicates if the output is for a specific phase, only valid for status outputs.
NMS Action: Indicates whether the output point is an Open, Close or Open and Close Control
Link State: Indicates whether the output is linked to a device measurement.
Commissioned: The commission state of the output - only commissioned outputs can issue controls.
Create/Update Outputs Dialog Box
The Create or Update Outputs dialog allows the user to add new analog or digital outputs. The dialog consists of three components:
Select Output Type
Point Details
Select Output Type
The select output type section is only used when creating new points, and is not displayed when updating existing points
The Select Output type section of the Create Outputs dialog box allows you to choose between creating digital or analog points and allows you to indicate how many new points you wish to create.
Digitals: Select this option to create digital outputs.
Analogs: Select this option to create analog outputs.
Amount to Create: Enter the number of new outputs wants you wish to create.
Point Details
Common Fields
The point details contains the following common fields used by all protocols:
Point Name: A unique name for the point. If more than one output is being created subsequent point names will be appended with _1, _2, _3, and so on.
NMS Action: The NMS Action associated with the output points.
Valid values for digital outputs are:
Open: The outputs are for open controls.
Close: The outputs are for close controls.
Open and Close: The outputs are for open and close controls.
Valid values for analog outputs are:
Set Point: The output is for a set point control.
Dnp3 Specific Fields
Dnp3 IEDs contain the following protocol specific fields:
IOA: The information object address of the output.
Control Type: The DNP3 object type of the output.
Control Kind: Whether this is a control or set point.
Clear: The clear control flag
Latch: The latch control flag
Pulse: The pulse control flag
Queue: The queue control flag
SBO: The select before operate control flag
Trip Close: The Trip Close control flag
Checkback ID: The check back id for select before operate.
IEC104 Specific Fields
IEC104 IED’s contain the following protocol specific fields:
Common Address: The Common ASDU address of the output.
IOA: The information object address of the output.
Point Type: The IEC104 point type.
ICCP Specific Fields
The ICCP IED’s contain the following protocol specific fields:
SBO: The select before operate flag.
Scope: The point scope of the output.
ICC: The point is only visible on this VCC.
VCC: The point is visible to all remote VCCs.
Control Kind: The ICCP Control kind. Valid values are:
Control: Valid options Discrete/ Real.
OK: Closes the dialog box and creates the outputs.
Cancel: Closes the dialog box and cancels the operation.
Help: Selecting help invokes the online help.
IED Device Links
This display shows the linkage of IED input and output points to device input and output measurements. The display consists of four grids, showing IED Inputs and Outputs on the left and a selected Device Inputs and Outputs on the right.
Menus and Toolbars
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Enable Highlighting of Linked Points
Enable highlighting of linked input and output points.
Disable Highlighting of Linked Points
Disable highlighting of linked input and output points.
Enable Highlighting of Non Auto Linkable Points
Enable highlighting of input and output points that cannot be automatically linked to a device.
Disable Highlighting of Non Auto Linkable Points
Disable highlighting of input and output points that cannot be automatically linked to a device.
Link All Device Inputs and Outputs
Creates links between all of the selected device measurements and the highlighted IED rows based on template device. See Understanding Template IEDs
Unlink All Device Inputs and Outputs
Removes all links between the selected device and the highlighted IED rows based on template device. See Understanding Template IEDs.
Filter Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Linked Input and Output Points
Filter the IED/Device table for linked points.
Unlinked Input and Output Points
Filter the IED/Device table for unlinked points.
All Input Output Points
Display all IED/Device points.
Sort Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
IED Inputs Table
Sorts based on IED Name & Point Name columns.
Input Type
Sorts based on the input type column.
Device Inputs Table
Sorts based on Device and Attribute columns.
RTI Alias
Sorts based on the RTI Alias column
IED Outputs Table
Sorts based on IED Name and Point Name columns.
Output Type
Sorts based on the output type column.
Device Outputs Table
Sorts based on Device and Attribute columns.
RTI Alias
Sorts based on the RTI Alias column
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Device Links Help
Launches online help for Device Links.
All four grids have the same columns if in a slightly different order. Some columns are IED specific and some device specific. Only when an IED point is linked to a device measurement will all columns have values.
The IED specific columns are as follows:
IED Name: The name of the IED that the point is on.
Point Name: Unique (on the IED) name for the point.
Phase: Indicates if the output is for a specific phase, only valid for status outputs.
Type: Analog or Digital
Commissioned: The commission state of the point.
Auto Link Device: The device identifier if the point can be automatically linked.
Auto Link Attribute: The measurement identifier if the point can be automatically linked.
The Device specific columns are as follows:
Device: The device name.
Attribute: The measurement attribute on the device.
RTI Alias: Unique measurement identifier.
Using menu options links can be added or removed between IED points and device points.
If the IED points were created from a template with device linkage information, then all inputs and outputs for a selected device may be automatically linked to IED points in a single operation.
Highlighting options are available to identify:
Points that can be automatically linked to device measurements but which are not currently linked.
Points that are currently linked to device measurements
Selecting a table row allows the following context sensitive options:
Display the IED point or Device measurement associated with the selected row (default double click action)
View the device on the Viewer (if currently linked to a device)
Highlight points and measurements associated with the same device as the current row.
Link or unlink the current row
Link all IED input/output measurements to the current IED device identifier (see AutoLinkDevice).
Unlink all IED input/output measurements from the current IED device identifier (see AutoLinkDevice).
SCADA Audit Log
The SCADA Audit Log provides a chronologically documented audit trail of SCADA maintenance and operational events.
The SCADA Audit Log is preconfigured with several different global filters that can be selected in the filters panel. Your system may also have several shared filters and any personal filters that you have created and saved.
SCADA Debug Log
The SCADA Debug Log provides a chronologically documented log of SCADA debug messages.
The SCADA Debug Log is pre-configured with several different global filters that can be selected in the filters panel. Your system may also have several shared filters and any personal filters that you have created and saved.
Template IEDs
Template IEDs are, as the name suggests, master IED configurations from which other IEDs can be created. Typically template IEDs contain the input and output points required for a single NMS device, with the device class being stored as part of the template definition.
Templates can be created in one of two ways:-
Manually using the Template Details tool.
Automatically by having the system create the template from an existing IED.
The automatic method is more useful in that it allows information about the device and measurement linkage to be included within the template definition. This then enables the I/O points on any IED created from the template to be automatically linked to measurements of any NMS device of the same class as that associated with the template.
Templates can be applied in two ways:
To create a new IED
To extend an existing IED to support further devices.
Creating a New IED
When a template is used to create a new IED then the entire template configuration is copied to the new IED, including base IED options, connection configuration and all Input and Output configuration. The user is only required to provide a name for the new IED at the time of creation and can subsequently adjust the IED address and connection TCP/IP options as required.
Extending an IED
When a template is used to extend an existing IED then only the Input and Output configuration from the template is added into the existing IED to add to the existing points. No changes are made to the base IED or IED connection configuration. This operation can be repeated multiple times if required to add support for more than one device to the IED.
Understanding SCADA Status Actions Menu Options
Download IED Schema... Action
This menu action allows you to download IED schema in an XSD file. The schema defines the structure of IED that is expected by the system during the import process.
Export IED... Action
The Export IED... action allows you to export an IED configuration. Selecting this action opens a dialog box with four check box options:
Header Information
Protocol Specific Information
Point Information
Device Linkage Information
The exported information will be determined by your selection. The information is exported as an XML file.
Search: Allows you to select the location to save the xml file.
Export: Completes the exports action and saves the XML file.
Note: The Export button is enabled when you select the location to save the XML file.
Cancel: Cancels the export process and closes the dialog box.
Import IED... Action
The Import IED... action opens a dialog box allowing you to select an XML file with an IED configuration to import to the system.
As part of IED configuration, existing template names may be in the XML to configure data. FEP names may be included so that the IED can be linked to FEP after import.
Once the file is selected, it will open a new dialog box with messages related to file validation. First, the XML will be validated against a schema. If the schema defined in the XML is correct, then the data will be validated and the report will be displayed. If there are any critical errors (for example, undefined mandatory fields like IED name or point name) error messages will be shown in the dialog box and you have to fix the issues and then import the file again.
If there are no error messages, you will be presented with the following.
If the IED defined in the xml is new, the following options will be presented.
Import: Initiates the import process. The actions log is displayed in the dialog box.
After the import process is completed, you will be presented with two buttons.
OK: Closes the dialog box.
Download Logs: Allows you to download the logs shown in the dialog box.
Cancel: Cancels the import process and closes the dialog box.
If the IED defined in the XML file exists in the system, you will be presented with three buttons.
Update: Updates the definition of the existing IED defined in the XML. The log is displayed in the dialog box.
Replace: Replaces the existing IED with the IED defined in the XML. The log is displayed in the dialog box.
Cancel: Cancels the import process and closes the dialog box.
If you select the Update or the Replace options, you will be presented with the following options.
OK: Closes the dialog box.
Download Logs: Allows you to download the logs shown in the dialog box.
New Measurement Creation
If the XML import or update contains instructions to link the IED input and output points to device measurements, a check will be performed to confirm whether the device and measurements actually exists in the system.
If either the device does not exist or the device does exist but the specific measurement does not, then warnings will be logged in the XML import dialog. These issues are warnings in that they will not block the import from proceeding.
If the user chooses to proceed with the import, a dialog will be displayed providing options of how to proceed if a missing measurement is detected.
The options available are
Cancel the import or update: This will abort the import process.
Proceed with only existing measures: Selecting this option will allow the import to proceed. The import will create the links to the configured device measurements and controls as if they existed.
Create any missing measures: Selecting this option will allow the import to proceed. The import will attempt to create any missing measurements and controls as long as the relevant device does exist. The import will then create the links to the configured device measurements and controls.
Note: New measurement creation is enabled or disabled on a system wide basis with the SCADA SRS rule option 'SCADA Flex creates measures and controls'. This rule can be viewed and updated in the Configuration Assistant Event Management Rules tab.
Viewer SCADA Options
After selecting any SCADA device in the Viewer, the right‑click context menu includes SCADA options for creating related devices, adding a relationship to an existing device, and getting information about the selected SCADA device.
Open IED Details...
This option allows you to open the IED Details page for the IED that is linked to the selected device.
Create IED...
This option allows you to create a new IED using templates and link the new IED to the selected device.
Add to IED...
This option allows you to select an IED from the same substation as the selected device and to apply template to the selected IED.