Using the SCADA Commissioning Tool
In addition to the SCADA Maintenance tools in the SCADA Status display, the Oracle Utilities Network Management System also provides a SCADA Commissioning tool. The SCADA Commissioning tool allows you to test a newly introduced IED configuration and record any issues before making the IED live for the rest of the system.
The SCADA Commissioning tool can be displayed by selecting .
By selecting SCADA Commissioning... from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
From an IED's context menu when the IED is selected in the SCADA Status window.
From the IED Details tab Actions menu's Commissioning... option or toolbar
The SCADA Commissioning display has two tabs.
IED View
Point View
IED View
The IED view allows the commissioning engineer to view a complete list of IEDs and manage their commissioning state.
There are default filters available to:
Filter on the commissioning state of the IED.
Filter on the commissioning state of points within the IED
Filter on IEDs In Test Mode
The IED View displays the following columns:
IED: The IED name/identifier.
Device: Device(s) that the IED points are linked to
Substation: the associated substation.
Protocol: The IED's protocol.
IED State: The commissioning state (Commissioned/Uncommissioned/Tested/Decommissioned).
Timestamp: Date and time of last commissioning update.
Control: The configured state of the IED.
Status: The IED's status (Enabled/Disabled/Failed).
Statistics: Multiple columns containing statistics last reported data (Good Polls, Errors, and Timeouts).
Commissioned: Number of (linked) commissioned inputs and outputs.
Uncommissioned: Number of un-commissioned inputs and outputs.
Unlinked: Number of unlinked inputs and outputs.
Missing Measures: Number of linked inputs and outputs that do not exist as measurements or devices in NMS.
In Test: Whether the IED is in Test Mode or not (Yes/No).
Comments: An optional comment entered when the commissioning state was changed.
Who: User that last changed the IED commissioning state
Point View
The Point view has the following columns:
Type - Digital / Analog / Control
IED Name
The IED In Test state - Yes/No
Address - protocol specific
Linked (Yes / No)
Link state - No device in NMS/ no measurement in NMS/ Pending/OK
Analog filters
Commissioning state
Commissioning timestamp
Who: User who last changed the point commissioning state
The SRS rule SCADA Maximum Commission Points To Fetch defines the maximum number of rows that can be fetched for this display.
The point view has a summary banner that indicates how many points are in particular states and allows easy filtering of the viewable list.
The summary categories are as follows:
input points
output points
points that are commissioned
points that are tested
points that are non-commissioned
points that are unlinked
points on an IED in Test mode
By selecting any row in the Point View the user can bring up a menu allowing the following options:
View the device in the Viewer.
Enable or Disable the IED.
Move the IED into or out of Test mode.
Modify the commission state of the IED itself and one or more points.
View all points for the IED in the Commissioning tool.
View the points for all IEDs in the same substation in the Commissioning tool.
View the configuration for the point in the SCADA Status tool.
When attempting to change the commissioning state of one or more points a check will be made whether the configured link device and measurement actually exists. If one or more measurement or control does not exist but the device does then a dialog box will be shown allowing three options: cancel, proceed with existing measurements or create any missing measurements before proceeding. See New Measurement Creation for information.
IED Test Mode
Test Mode allows the inputs and outputs of the selected IED to be tested in isolation without affecting the main NMS system.
By selecting any row in the Point Mode view, the IED can be placed in test mode. Placing an IED in test mode enables the following functionality:
Point alarms are redirected to the test Mode alarms display
Controls can be issued directly from the context menu.
Test Mode Alarms
Value updates for any points that in the uncommissioned state on an IED in test mode will generate alarms in a separate 'Test Mode' alarm display instead of the normal 'Live' display. These test mode alarms are visible in the Test Mode Active and Historic alarm displays which can be opened from the Tools menu.
Alarms generated when in Test Mode will be same alarms that would be generated in Live mode and are configured in the same manner. These alarms are unique to the user performing the tests and will not be visible to any other user.
Test Mode Controls
If the IED points are configured with a device link then controls may also be sent directly from the Commissioning tool while the IED is in Test Mode. The context menu will automatically be populated with any possible control options for the selected points. For output points the specific control can be issued, whereas for input points all possible controls associated with that measurement can be issued.
When you close the SCADA Commissioning tool, any open Test Mode alarm displays are closed and any IEDs that the user placed into Test Mode are automatically removed from Test mode.