Feeder Load Management (FLM) allows you to manage energy delivery in the electric distribution system and identify problem areas. FLM monitors the vital signs of the distribution system and identifies areas of concern so that the distribution operator is forewarned and can efficiently focus attention where it is most needed. It allows for more rapid correction of existing problems and enables possibilities for problem avoidance, leading to both improved reliability and energy delivery performance.
FLM is cyclically executed and automatically triggered by pertinent changes in the electric distribution system, such as increased demand, change in measured values reported by SCADA, or switch status changes. FLM uses a combination of SCADA derived scaling factors, load profiles, temperature, distributed generation profiles, and a globally supplied scaling factor to predict load for future forecasting.
FLM is capable of solving feeders using both a full power flow solution as well as using a less data intensive kVA solution. FLM will automatically determine which type of solution to run based on the feeder configuration. In the event that two feeders are tied together with one being configured for a kVA solution and the other for a Power Flow solution, the analysis will default to using a kVA solution. Please see Power Flow Solution Types and Frequency for more information related to solution types.
Note: FLM will use SCADA supplied scaling factors (in addition to load profile data) for a configurable period of time before transitioning to using global scaling factors. FLM uses a linear transition between the SCADA scaling factor and the global scaling factor.
Feeder Load Management tools are dynamically updated after each FLM execution, which may be performed periodically (provided SCADA reports a change in measured values) or in response to changes in the electrical network (for example, a.switch is opened or closed). Time between FLM periodic executions, as well as other FLM execution parameters, is configurable. Administrative users can view or change these settings using the Configuration Assistant's Event Management Rules tab (see Using the Event Management Rules Tab).
The Feeder Load Summary tool provides dynamically updated views of closest-in-time alarms, worst case loads, and present loads of all feeders. From the Feeder Load Summary, you may drill down to those feeders where capacity margins and/or device limits are at risk or violated using the Feeder Load Management window.
The Feeder Load Management window provides load summaries, as well as Device Violations, Feeder Load Details, Tie Points Capacity Overview, Transformers, Shunted Devices, and Equivalent Sources Details. You can initiate Feeder Load Management calculations in Study Mode with different load scale factors and topology to predict selected feeders performance for different switching scenarios.
Note: If a customer has implemented Power Flow without an FLM license, certain components of both the Feeder Load Summary and Feeder Load Management user interfaces will still be enabled. This allows you to see results of the real-time power flow solution, but no forecast solutions (since a FLM license is required for forecasting ability). You will have access to the following features:
Feeder Load Summary Present Loads View.
Feeder Load Management will display one solution of the real-time power flow solve (no FLM study options will be present).
The Feeder Load Management Details will be present for the real-time solution.
Feeder Load Management Modes
The Feeder Load Management mode is set from the Web Workspace Tools by selecting DMS Settings, and then selecting an FLM Status (Disabled or Enabled). If you select Disabled, FLM will only show the real-time load information; if you select Enabled, FLM will forecast the loads for all the feeders.
Notes: changes to the FLM status are system wide.
FLM modes can be set for individual feeders with the Configuration Assistant's Feeder Management tab (see Using the Feeder Management Tab for details). A feeder can be in one of the following modes:
Forecasting Mode: FLM will forecast the load scenario of the individual feeder.
Custom Forecasting Mode: FLM performs power flow forecasts of islands in regular cycles. This custom mode helps to configure conditions on a feeder, which will determine whether the feeder is eligible to perform forecast or not in the next forecast cycle. The feeder will be eligible to perform forecast when at least one condition is matched among the configured conditions.
Note: These conditions are configured with the FLM Custom Forecasting SRS rule using the Configuration Assistant. The conditions are:
When a feeder head loads changes by X kW compared to its previous cycle solve (where X refers to configurable value).
When the last forecasted time on a feeder exceeds by Y hours (where Y refers configurable hours).
When a device on a feeder, which belongs to a forecast device group, changes its settings/status. Device groups are configured via FLM_FORECAST_DEVICE_GROUPS database table.
It also performs the solution at a configurable custom granularity and for the custom period, which can be set in the FLM Custom Forecasting SRS rule.
Real-Time Mode: FLM only show the real-time load information.
Disabled Mode: FLM will not show any information about this feeder.
In effect, the minimum of the system-wide FLM mode and individual feeder FLM mode will be displayed.