Using the Model Management Window
The Model Management window displays the following information:
Model Management actions include:
Menu and Toolbar Options
The Model Management menu and toolbar provide access to commonly used functions. Most of the functions in the Actions menu are also available on the toolbar.
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Opens the Print Preview dialog box, which allows you to print the contents of the Model Management window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Refreshes both the Pending Maps and Patches lists.
Halt Model Build
Stops all model build activity. See Enabling and Disabling Model Building for more information.
Enable Model Build
Enables model building activity that was previously halted.
Run Full Model Build
Rebuilds the entire system model, not just individual maps.
Run Post Process
Runs the post-processing script. Post processing takes place after maps are built. The default post-processing script performs a recompute and recache of the control zones in DDService, but this can be modified to perform various tasks, such as generating control zones or computing EE details from the model.
Enable Model Build Reporting
Enables or disables model build reporting. The Model Build Report lists all objects that were modified when a particular patch was applied. If enabled, a checkmark appears next to the menu option.
Build Map
Prompts you to enter one or more map names and then rebuilds the specified maps. If you are entering multiple map names, separate names with spaces, as shown below:
Landbase_49132336 Primary_49132336
User Menu
The User menu provides options to set preferences and log out of Model Management.
Preferences Menu
Menu Option
Smaller Font
Decreases the font size in text and icons. Repeat to further decrease the font size.
Bigger Font
Increases the font size in text and icons. Repeat to further increase the font size.
Reset Font
The application will reset the text and icons to use their default font size.
Change Color Scheme...
Opens the Change Color Scheme dialog box, which allows you to select from different user interface coloring schemes.
The options are a Light scheme, a Dark scheme, and the default High Definition scheme. Unlike other user preferences, these apply to all environments for the user on the machine.
Help Menu
Menu Option
Model Management Help
Launches the online help system and loads the Model Management content.
Email Log Files...
Gathers the environment's log files and attaches them to a new email message using your default email client. The log files can then be sent to your support team or contact for further analysis.
Set Debug...
Launches the Set Debug dialog box allowing you to set debug on or off within your current environment. This is used for debugging and analysis purposes. See Setting Debug for more information.
About Model Management
Opens a window with environment and software information.
Pending Map Section
The Pending Maps section lists all maps that need to be built. This section displays the following columns:
Order: Displays the order that the maps will be built. The value is returned by the [project]‑maps‑to‑build script.
Map Name: Displays the name of the model map.
Pending Actions: Displays one of the following:
To be preprocessed: The *.mp files have not been preprocessed into *.mb files, which is necessary before they can be built into the model.
To be committed: The *.mp were preprocessed into *.mb files, but have not been committed (built into the model).
The Last Build Status displays the status of the last attempt to build the map. Statuses are:
New: No attempt has yet been made to complete the pending action.
Failed submit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder but the map could not be built. See Rebuilding a Patch for details on correcting this problem.
Failed commit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder but the map could not be committed due to a dynamic data error. See Rebuilding a Patch for details on correcting this problem
In progress: The pending action is currently in progress.
Pending Map Actions
With a map selected in the Pending Maps section, right-click to view the context menu. The options, listed below, are dependent on the state of the file selected.
Map History...: See Displaying Map History for information.
Preprocessor Log...: See Displaying the Preprocessor Log for information.
Delete...: Allows you to delete processed .mb or .mbd files and to be preprocessed *.mp files that you do not want to build or commit to the model.
Build Maps: See Building Maps for information.
Patches Section
The Patches section lists all patches for the last 24 hours. To see patches for another time period, change the beginning and ending dates above the list as desired, then click the Refresh button.
The Patches section displays the following columns:
Patch: Displays the patch number. The system assigns a number to a patch when it is submitted.
Map Names: Displays the name of the model maps.
Creation Date: Displays the date the patch was created.
Commit Date: Displays the date the patch was submitted to the Model Builder.
Build Status: Displays the status of the patch submission. Statuses are:
Successful: The patch was successfully applied and the model was updated.
Failed Submit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder, but the map could not be built. See Rebuilding a Patch for details on correcting this problem.
Failed commit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder, but the map could not be committed due to a dynamic data error. See Rebuilding a Patch for details on correcting this problem.
In Progress: The patch is currently being processed by the Model Builder. The map files are either being parsed, being applied, or being committed to the database.
Status Bar
The status bar displays the following information:
Maps to Build: The total number of maps that need to be built. These maps are displayed in the Pending Maps section of the screen.
Failed Map: The total number of maps that could not be built (were submitted and failed).
Model Build Status:
Enabled: Model building is currently enabled. To disable, click the Halt Model Build button ().
Halted: Model building has been halted. To re-enable, click the Enable Model Build button ().
In Progress: A model build is currently in progress.