Executing the Tools

To create and execute a new/custom tool:

  1. Open the ArcMap or ArcCatalog application.
  2. In the Catalog window, navigate to Toolboxes and then click My Toolboxes.
  3. Right-click My Toolboxes and select New and then click Toolbox.
  4. Enter WAMGPTools.tbx as the toolbox name and click Enter.
  5. Richt-click the new toolbox and click Add and then click Tool.

  6. In the Add Tool dialog box, select WAMGIGPFF and click OK.
  7. To execute the Extract_​Delta_​Changes tool in ArcToolbox:
    • Select and double-click the tool.
    • View the tool's parameters.
    • Provide the respective inputs to the parameters:
      • Task_​Name: QueryIDs
      • Execution_​Mode: Initial
      • Feature_​Class_​List
        • Example: SDE.wControlValve
      • Source_​Version: SDE.DEFAULT
      • Temp_​Version: Temp
      • WKID: Well-known identifier for the target spatial reference
      • WAM Sync Version: The version name to be created in Geodatabase to track incremental changes
        • Example: WAMSyncVersion. Leave the remaining parameters as “NA”.

    • Click OK to run the tool.
  8. To execute the Generate_​Token tool in ArcToolbox:
    • Select and double-click the tool.
    • View the tool's parameters.
    • Provide the respective inputs to the parameters:
      • Service_​URL: URL to the ArcGIS Server REST Service
      • Protocol_​Type: Select W1RT for Rest Service and W1SP for SOAP Service based on the service used in above parameter
    • Click OK to run the tool.