Material Requests

Material requests, or checkout requests, manage the process of specifying the need to issue stock items from a storeroom.

When an activity needs stock items, a material request can be created. The request includes a list of all the items that the activity needs from the storeroom with the stock code, the storeroom, and the needed quantity specified. Storeroom personnel can print a report that lists the stock items needed for pickup or delivery. The report includes the material request number, storeroom, and delivery locations. Also, stock items are displayed with barcodes, if applicable.

Example of a Material Request Report.

The following processing must be completed:

  • Create the material request
  • Add line items for the stock items to be issued. Line items can be added manually or from a material request template.
  • Prepare the material request for issue
  • Issue the materials (Materials may be issued fully or partially)