Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management Enhancements
This section provides descriptions of new and enhanced features in this release Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management.
This release includes:
Asset Management Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced asset management features in this release, including:
Asset Disposition Tab
You can review and analyze asset information through the Asset Disposition tab of Assets portal. This tab displays the Disposition History zone, previously displayed in the Main tab, and provides a new Components History zone that enables you to review components attached to assets.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Work Management
This section describes the new and enhanced work management features in this release, including:
Send Updated Activity Details to External System
Synchronize the updated activity details of your Work and Asset Management and external systems. Previously, Work and Asset Management did not notify external systems of any updates made to the activities that the external system created.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
This section describes the new and enhanced asset management features in this release, including:
Contextual Insights in Assets Portal
The Assets portal enhances your user experience through new Badge Contextual Insights for asset condition rating and asset location criticality. Contextual insights enhance the user experience by drawing attention to specific asset conditions.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, complete these steps:
1. Add and configure the W1-AssetConditionScoreBuckets (Asset Condition Score Bucket Configuration) business object by selecting Admin then B and the Bucket Configuration menu item.
2. Add and configure the W1-AssetCriticalityBuckets (Asset Criticality Bucket Configuration) business object by by selecting Admin then B and the Bucket Configuration menu item.
3. Configure W1ASCNLOCCRT (Asset Condition and Location Criticality) and related badge Insights and Insight Types algorithms.
4. Add an Insight Group to the asset condition by selecting Admin, then I, select Insight Group then Add. Set the Insight Class to "W1AC (Asset Condition)" and Valid Visual Structure to "Badge Insight". Add the created Asset Condition Insight Type to the Insight Type list of the insight group.
5. Add another Insight Group to the asset condition. Set the Insight Class to "W1LC (Asset Location Criticality) and Valid Visual Structure to "Badge Insight". Add the created Asset Criticality Insight Type to the Insight Type list of the insight group.
Oracle Field Service Integration
This section describes the new and enhanced Oracle Field Service Integration features in this release, including:
Oracle Device Cloud Service - Oracle Field Service Cloud Integration
The Oracle Field Service Cloud integration enables the passing of device-related field activities like meter test or device inspection to Oracle Field Service Cloud for scheduling, routing, and completion. The integration supports passing of planned service histories or forms for an activity and valid service histories for each asset linked to the activity that the crew can complete on the field.
The Oracle Device Cloud Service and Oracle Field Service Cloud integration provides the capability to pass a collection of planned service histories for an activity and pass valid service histories for each asset linked to the activity, which field crews can complete.
Steps to Enable
To enable this feature, refer to the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management Integration to Oracle Field Service Cloud Configuration Guide and Oracle Field Service Cloud Configurations Setup Guide for more information.
Operational Device Management-Service Order Management Integration
This section describes the new and enhanced Operational Device Management-Service Order Management Integration features in this release, including:
Support for Multiple Service Histories Per Asset for Operational Device Management - Service Order Management Integration
You can now create multiple service history questionnaires for Operational Device and Service Order Management activities. In addition, new Service History Types are maintained in the corresponding Activity Type and Asset Type. Previously, only one service history questionnaire was created for Operational Device and Service Order Management activities.
This allows accumulation of additional service information through the creation of multiple service histories for Operational Devices and Service Order Management activities.
Steps to Enable
1. Update the activity's Activity Type with the Service History Types valid for the activity.
2. Update the asset's Asset Type with the Service History Types valid for the asset.
Tips and Considerations
The list of valid Service History Types sent to Service Management are maintained in Activity Type and Asset Type.
System Wide
This section describes the new and enhanced system wide features in this release, including:
Crew, Asset, and Asset Location Search Enhancements
Crew-related search fields now appear as drop-downs throughout the application. In addition, asset-related search fields support badge numbers as alternate keys for asset IDs and asset location-related search fields support tag numbers as alternate keys for location IDs.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.
Unified Search
Unified Search provides support for finding asset and asset locations. You can use the filter rules and hints provided by the table in the unified search box:
Filter Rule
Badge Number
Minimum five characters excluding whitespaces
bn: | BN:
Applicable to asset search only
Serial Number
Minimum five characters excluding whitespaces
sn: | SN:
Applicable to asset search only
Tag Number
Minimum five characters excluding whitespaces
tn: | TN:
Minimum two alphanumeric characters excluding whitespaces
bl: | BL:
Address 1
One ore more numeric characters followed by a space and an alphanumeric character
ad: | AD:
Minimum five characters excluding whitespaces
ds: | DS:
Unified search results display a maximum of 20 records.
Steps to Enable
To use the unified search for assets and asset locations, add users to a group with access to the following applications:
W1-ASSETUNISRCH (Asset Unified Search)
W1-ASTLOCUNISRCH (Asset Location Unified Search)
Tips and Considerations
By default, Unified Search only uses asset search. If you prefer asset location search, deactivate asset search by completing these steps:
1. Navigate to Extendable Lookup.
2. Search and navigate to the F1-UnifiedSearch business object.
3. Set the status of W1-AssetUnifiedSearch (Asset Unified Search) to "Inactive."
4. Save the changes.
5. Log off and log in to the application.
Menu Items Display Order
The context menu is now ordered as follows:
Go To > the object. Asset, if available, is the first item in the context menu.
Quick View, if available, is the second item in the context menu.
All remaining items are listed in alphabetical order.
Steps to Enable
No steps are required to enable this feature.