Oracle Analytics Publisher
This section describes the steps required to configure Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management and Oracle Analytics Publisher to support an Oracle Analytics Publisher reporting solution. The following are included:
Supported Analytics Publisher Versions
At the time of this release Analytics Publisher 12c (v12.2.1.x) are supported on Windows, Linux and UNIX.
In addition, Oracle Analytics Server 5.9 has been certified to support the Analytics Publisher functionality for this release.
About Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise
Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise provides the tools for:
Making reports available over the web (establishing the required report server processes)
Integrating reports with the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management system
Scheduling reports to run on a regular basis
Managing instances of the reports that have been created by a previous run
Managing user access to the report instances
Installing Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise
This section assumes that you have already installed Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise such that requests can be pointed to the Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise.
Note: If you are running the Analytics Publisher server on a Linux/UNIX server that does not have an X Server installed, reports that contain images may not be properly generated.
To fix this, specify the following property at the java command line:
Configuring the System to Enable Reports
This section describes the steps needed to configure your system to enable reports, including:
Configuring the System to Invoke Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise Real-time
In order to invoke Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise from within Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management, the system must be configured accordingly.
Specifying Reporting Tool Options
The following information should be defined on Reporting Tool Options table:
Reporting Server is the web server URL where the reporting tool is installed.
Reporting Folder defines the name of the directory on the Oracle Analytics Publisher server where reports are located. The Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management reporting tool algorithm constructs the URL needed to open Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise based on the information provided on Reporting Options.
The same folder name should be used as a report folder in Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise where reports are published.
Reporting Tool Algorithm
The base product provides an Installation Options system event called Reporting Tool which should contain an algorithm which invokes the reporting tool in real-time. Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management provides an algorithm type called F1-BIPR-INV, which invokes Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise.
This algorithm relies on information defined in the Reporting Options table: the reporting server and folder names for accessing the reporting tool. The algorithm constructs several strings, for example, the URL of the Analytics Publisher, information about the report being requested and user info in the format expected by Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise. The Java program returns the correct URL to the browser. The browser then opens a Analytics Publisher Enterprise window with the appropriate URL.
To use the F1-BIPR-INV algorithm type to invoke Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise, perform the following steps:
1. Create an algorithm for this algorithm type.
2. On the installation options, add an entry to the algorithm collection with an algorithm entity of Reporting Tool and indicate the algorithm created in the previous step.
Interfacing with Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise Batch Scheduler
Presently Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management does not provide support for batch jobs with Oracle Analytics Publisher. Please use Oracle Analytics Publisher directly in order to schedule reports to run in batch.
Sample Reports Supplied with the Product
The system provides several sample reports that may be used by your organization as a starting point for creating a new report. The following sections provide instructions on how to set up your implementation environment to use the sample reports.
If you would like to use any of the sample reports, you need to perform some steps to be able to execute them in an implementation environment. This section walks you through the steps needed, including:
Unzipping Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management Report Files
Unzip the ‘Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Management V2.’ file from the installation media into an empty directory. This directory is referred to as the reports extract folder.
Note: By default, the reports provided are read only. You will need to reset the permissions on the files before making any changes, for example, to configure the default data source.
Oracle Functions and Packages
Each report has one or more corresponding database functions and packages that store the business logic to fetch the data from the database. This data is then presented in the report.
The installation media contains the required database functions and packages. These files are in the reports extract folder under:
The prerequisite for Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management reports to work against the target database is setting up of a RPTUSER database user. This user should have read access to all Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management database objects and execution privilege on the stored procedures that the reports access.
The steps involved in setting up the RPTUSER are:
1. Create or refresh the Oracle functions and packages.
a. Using SQLPLUS, login to the target database as the user CISADM.
This user owns Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management schema objects.
b. Execute the script CDX_rptfn.sql by entering the following command at the SQL prompt:
SQL> @CDX_rptfn.sql
(“SQL>” denotes the SQL prompt and doesn't need to be typed).
2. Create the RPTUSER.
a. Navigate to the Database\Oracle folder.
b. Edit the file CDX_rptuser.sql to match your requirements.
Ensure that you review the user password and the default and temporary tablespace names for the user.
c. Login to the target database as a DBA user using SQLPLUS.
d. Execute the script by entering following command at SQL prompt:
SQL> @CDX_rptuser.sql
3. Compile the report function.
SQL> @CDX_compfn.sql
4. Configure security.
This involves generating synonyms in RPTUSER and granting it privileges to execute the stored procedures and read the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management tables. The utility prompts you to answer for the following questions:
a. Enter the Oracle user that owns the schema (example: CISADM): CISADM
b. Enter the password for the CISADM user: CISADM
c. Enter the name of the Oracle Database: Your_db
d. Enter a comma-separated list of Oracle users in which synonyms need to be created (e.g. cisuser,cisread): RPTUSER
e. Select the following options:
(A/a): Generate security for All objects in the Database?
(O/o): Generate security for specific Objects inputted in this terminal?
(F/f): Generate security for specific objects generated from an input File?
<<<< select A to generate security to all objects >>>>
The utility runs and configures security for the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management objects.
Publishing the Sample Reports in Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise
The installation media contains sample reports provided with the system. The report files are in the reports extract folder under:
Configuring Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise
This section assumes that you have already installed Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise.
Note: If you install Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise in a location other than the default installation directory, adjust the path descriptions to match your actual install directories.
The first step you need to take in order to use any of the samples is to publish the report in Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise. You need to create a folder in Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise named as defined on Reporting Options table in Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management and publish the report extracted to the reports extract folder.
Create a folder named ODM in the BI_Repository_Path\Reports folder. Copy all Oracle Analytics Publisher sample reports into the ODM folder.
Note: To check for the location of your Analytics repository path, login to the Analytics console as an Administrator and go to Administration, Server Configuration. If the repository type is File System, the path will be seen in Catalog region. If the repository type is not File System you cannot load the sample reports.
Refer to the Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise documentation for more information.
Preparing Oracle Analytics Publisher Enterprise Server for integration
The ODM Reporting Options Table should include the following information about Reporting Server and Folder:
Reporting Folder: ODM
Reporting Server: URL of reporting server.
For example:
If you want to have a different name for your reporting folder, you can rename the ODM folder on the server and put the corresponding value on the Reporting options table.
Accessing the Analytics Publisher Enterprise Server
1. Access the Analytics Publisher Enterprise Server as Administrator.
2. On the Admin tab define a JDBC Connection section under Data Sources, and add a new data source using Add Data Source.
Create a new Data Source named ODM with connection details pointing to the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management database using the RPTUSER credentials set up in the prior section.
3. Test Connection to make sure the Database connection is successful and save changes using Apply.
Configuring a New Group in WebLogic
1. Configure a group within WebLogic for Authentication called “BIConsumer”.
2. Create an Application Role called “ODM Reports” to access the Analytics Publisher reports.
3. Associate the member “BIConsumer” with the “ODM Reports” Application Role.
The role will now be visible from within the Analytics Publisher Enterprise. Within Analytics Publisher Enterprise, for the Role Name ODM Reports you just created, click on Add Folders to add the ODM sample reports to the Allowed Folders.
Do the same for Role Name ODM Reports. Click Add Data Sources to add the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management data source to the Allowed Data Sources.
4. To include appropriate Roles for Role Name ODM Reports, click Add Role.
Uploading Reports to Analytics Publisher
From the Analytics publisher server console, upload reports to Analytics Publisher. To do so:
1. Select Administration, System Maintenance, and then click Server Configuration.
2. Scroll down to the Catalog section and verify that the path to the repository folder is correct in the Analytics Publisher repository field and is pointing to the ODM folder to which reports were copied.
3. Click Upload to BI Presentation Catalog to upload the reports to Analytics Publisher.
Verifying the Data Model Details
From Analytics publisher server console, verify that the data model details are correct. To do so:
1. From the Reports folder, select the data model of the report.
2. Click Edit to edit the data model.
3. Select Data Model from the tree on the left.
4. Verify that the following are correct:
Default Data Source: Set the data source name created in Step 2 of section Accessing the Analytics Publisher Enterprise Server.
Oracle DB Default Package: Set this to W1_BI_RPT.
XML Output Options: Ensure that the option Include Parameters Tag is checked.
5. Verify that the data model is pointing to the correct report. Select a report from the Reports folder and click Edit. Hover on the Data Model link to check it is pointing to the correct data model.
To modify the data model, click the magnifying glass icon and select the correct data model.
Verifying Sample Analytics Publisher Reports on the Server
1. Login to Oracle BI Publisher Server as a user belonging to BIConsumers.
2. Verify that all sample reports provided appear in the ODM folder.
Single-sign-on and more sophisticated security must be tailored to the specific implementation.
Copying a Report Definition from the Demonstration Database
In order to use one of the sample reports in your Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management region, you must define the meta-data for the report. The demonstration database contains the report definition and all its related data for each sample report.
The data present in the demonstration application should be manually created in the database that is being used by the current Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management application.
1. To copy the data, access the data in Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management demonstration application using the following menu navigation:
Admin > R > Report Definition
2. Click Search. In the report code field, enter ‘%’ and click Search.
For each report visible in the search results, follow these steps to copy the report definitions:
1. Click on the report to see the report definition details.
2. In the current Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management application, access the same menu navigation to manually create the records.
Admin > R > Report Definition
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the same values for the report definition that are present in the report definition details of the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management demo environment.
5. Click Save.