Home Energy Analysis (HEA) - Questions and Answers

The Home Energy Analysis (HEA) - Questions and Answers subject area contains data elements about the Oracle Utilities Opower Home Energy Analysis (HEA) survey.

Data Element Description


The number of responses given to each answer in the HEA survey. This can refer to the number of responses for radio, checkbox, or drop-down questions, or for user-provided answers to ordinal questions.

Ordinal questions are questions where an integer is collected. For example, one of the questions in the survey is, "How often do you use your clothes washer?" In reply, customers can choose from among one of several ordinal answers: Less than once a week, 1-2 loads / week, 3-4 loads / week, and so on. The ordinal answer value in Opower Analytics Visualization refers to the number of customers who select one of those answers.

Another example of an ordinal question is the question about the customer's home size. In response, customers can enter an integer to represent the size of their home.

Type: Attribute

Answer Bucket

The abbreviated form of the survey answer. For example, DVD_PLAYER is used to represent the answer "DVD Player" in response to the survey question about what electronics a customer has in their home.

Sometimes the data in the Answer Bucket will be the same as in the Answer attribute above. However, this attribute will show aggregated data for ordinal answers.

Type: Attribute


The abbreviated form of the survey question.

  • numPeople ("How many people live in your home?")
  • ownerRenter ("Do you own your home?")
  • homeSize ("What's the size of your home (square feet)?")
  • winterHeating ("Do you heat your home in the winter?")
  • centralHeating ("What's the primary way you heat your home?")
  • boilerType ("What type of boiler?")
  • furnaceType ("What type of furnace?")
  • heatType ("What type of fuel does your heating system use?")
  • fireplace ("Do you use a wood fireplace?")
  • thermostatWhenCold ("In the winter, where do you set your thermostat when you're home?")
  • turnDownHeat ("How often do you turn down the heat when you're away from home or asleep?")
  • whichHaveAirLeaks ("Which of the following have air leaks in your home?")
  • summerAC ("Do you use air conditioning in the summer?")
  • useFans ("Do you use fans to cool your home?")
  • coolingMechanism ("What's the primary way you cool your home?")
  • frequencyAirConditioningUsedDuringSummer ("How often do you use air conditioning in the summer?")
  • thermostatWhenHot ("When you're home in the summer, where do you set your thermostat?")
  • thermostatOffWhenAway ("How often do you turn down your air conditioner when you're away from home or asleep?")
  • typeWaterHeater ("What type of water heater do you have?")
  • fuelWaterHeater ("What type of fuel does your water heater use?")
  • cfls ("Do you turn off lights when nobody is in the room?")
  • indoorLightingAmount ("When do you use indoor lights?")
  • outdoorLightingAmount ("When do you use outdoor lights?")
  • ownedElectronics ("Which of the following do you use in your home?")
  • clothesWasherLoadsPerWeek ("How often do you use your clothes washer?")
  • clothesDryerLoadsPerWeek ("How often do you use your clothes dryer?")
  • dishwasherLoadsPerWeek ("How often do you use your dishwasher?")
  • ovenFuelType ("What type of fuel does your oven use?")
  • devicesInHome ("Which of the following do you use in your home?")
  • hoursTelevisionPerDay ("In a typical day, how often is your TV on?")
  • hasPool ("Do you own a pool?")
  • poolHeating ("What type of fuel do you use to heat your pool?")
  • hasElectricVehicle ("Do you own or lease a plug-in electric vehicle?")
  • numberElectricVehicles ("How many plug-in electric vehicles do you own or lease?")
  • frequencyEvCharging ("How often do you charge your electric vehicle at home?")
  • typeCharger ("Do you use a level 1 or level 2 charging station when you charge at home?")
  • frequencyEvMiles ("How many miles (round trip) do you commute each day in your electric vehicle?")
  • evYearsOwnership ("How long have you owned or leased an electric vehicle?")

Type: Attribute

Response Count

The total number of responses to questions in the Home Energy Analysis survey.

Type: Measure

Unique Customers Count

The number of unique customers for whom there are Home Energy Analysis survey results.

Type: Measure

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