Web - Pageviews

The Web - Pageviews subject area contains data elements about pageview counts for web pages or embedded widgets. The definition of a pageview varies slightly depending on whether your product has a standalone or embedded implementation.

Note: If you have both an embedded and a standalone web portal implementation, then the pageview counts are a sum of both types of implementations. The counts do not distinguish between each type. Contact your Delivery Team if you have questions.

Data Element Description

Page Views by Location

The number of page views by location of the web experience. The definition of a pageview varies depending on the type and version of the product.

  • Standalone Web: The number of page views by location.
  • Embedded Widgets v1: The number of times a v1 widget loaded on a web page, by location.
  • Embedded Widgets v2: The number of times a v2 widget came into view as a customer scrolled through a web page, by location.

Type: Measure

Percent (%) Page Views by Location

The percentage of page views by location of the web experience. The definition of a pageview varies depending on the type and version of the product.

  • Standalone Web: The percentage of pageviews by location. For example, the percentage of times the Compare My Bills page was viewed as compared to other pages.
  • Embedded Widgets v1: The percentage of times a v1 widget loaded, by location. For example, the percentage of times the Compare My Bills widget loaded compared to other widgets.
  • Embedded Widgets v2: The percentage of times a v2 widget came into view as a customer scrolled through a web page, by location. For example, the percentage of times the Compare My Bills widget came into view as customers scrolled through the web pages, as compared to other widgets.

Type: Measure

Site Section

The web page or widget in the web experience that the customer viewed.

  • Standalone Web: The site section refers to individual web pages, such as the Home Energy Survey or Compare My Bills page.
  • Embedded Widgets (v1 and v2): The site section refers to the individual widgets that are embedded on a page, such as the Home Energy Survey or Compare My Bills widget.

Type: Attribute

Unique Pageview Count

The total number of unique pageviews by all users who visit the site. The definition of a unique view varies depending on the type and version of the product.

  • Standalone Web: A unique pageview takes all the pageviews that are from the same user, on the same page, in the same session, and counts them as one. For example, a single user could visit a single page and refresh that page three times in the same session. This would count as only one unique pageview.
  • Embedded Widgets v1: The number of unique web sessions during which a widget loaded on a web page.
  • Embedded Widgets v2: The number of unique web sessions during which a widget came into view as the customer scrolled through the page.

Type: Measure

Unique Visitors

The number of unique visitors who arrived at a web page or widget in the Oracle Utilities Opower program.

Type: Measure

Web Page View Count

The total number of pageviews of a web page or widget by all users who visit the site. The definition of a view varies depending on the type and version of the product.

  • Standalone Web: The total number of pages viewed by all users who visit the site. For example, if one user views three pages and a separate user views four pages, this would count as a total of seven page views. Repeated views of a single page by the same user are counted.
  • Embedded Widgets v1: The number of times that a v1 widget is loaded on a utility's website. If two widgets are embedded on the same web page, and a customer visits that page, then two pageview events are triggered---one for each widget---even though the customer technically only visited one page.
  • Embedded Widgets v2: The number of times that an impression event is triggered when a v2 widget appears in a customer's browser (as opposed to when a widget loads). An impression event is triggered when the widget is 10% viewable on a web page. If a customer scrolls down past a widget, then scrolls back up to see the same widget again, multiple impression events are triggered. For this reason, impression events are triggered much more frequently than traditional pageviews.

Type: Measure

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