Account Data File Specifications

The account data files contain information about a utility customer's service agreement, contact details, rate plan, and other account information. There are several distinct account files that Oracle Utilities Opower will ask you to provide. Each file consists of multiple fields and has a unique naming convention.

Not all of the data in each file is required. Your Delivery Team will work with you to determine what is required for your program. There are a few general rules that govern the account data:

  • Only one person may be the main account customer at any point in time.
  • Switching main account customers can be achieved by supplying two rows in the input file. One row must mark the current main account customer as not the main account customer. Another row must identify the new main account customer. See Example Data: Switching the Main Customer on the Account for more information.
  • The end_date field must be null or must be strictly later than start_date, for any entity that specifies both.