Service Agreement Fields

The service agreement data entity contains information about the name, duration, and status of a utility customer's service agreement.

Note: Although the fields below are described separately from the other fields in the Main Account Data File, they must be included in the same file as the other fields, with all columns included in every row. See Account Data File Specifications for more information.




The unique identifier of a service agreement.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.


A user-friendly name for the service agreement. The purpose of this field is to make the service agreement name easier to understand when it appears in the user interface of an Oracle Utilities product.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: Yes. Business Key.


The start date of a service agreement. 

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The end date of a service agreement.  If left blank, this will be considered the active service agreement. If another service agreement with a later start_date is sent later on, and no end_date is provided for this service agreement prior to that, Oracle Utilities Opower will set the end_date of the prior service agreement to the second before the start_date of the new service agreement.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A code designating characteristics about the service agreement in addition to the information in the service_type_code column. For example, this column could be used to designate whether the service agreement is for residential or non-residential customers, customers who are on budget billing, customers who have solar power or an electric vehicle, and so on.

Type: VARCHAR(8)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A description of the service agreement type code defined in service_agreement_type_code.

Type: VARCHAR(60)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A code designating a special role for the service agreement.

Example Values: These example values are described in special_role_flag_code_description.

  • BC
  • BD
  • CD
  • IN
  • LO
  • NB
  • PA
  • WO

Type: VARCHAR(8)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A description of the special role of the service agreement.

Example Values:

  • Billable Charge
  • Bill Determinants Required
  • Cash Deposit
  • Interval
  • Loan
  • Non-Billed Budget
  • Payment Arrangement
  • Write Off

Type: VARCHAR(60)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A code designating the type of service provided through the service agreement. This is based on the service agreement fuel type or resource type.

Allowed Values:

  • E
  • G
  • W
  • WW
  • O

Type: ENUM

Can Be Empty?: No.


A description of the code that represents the type of service provided through the service agreement. This is based on the service agreement fuel type or resource type.

Allowed Values:

  • GAS

Type: VARCHAR(100)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A code designating the status of the service agreement.

You will need to map your service agreement statuses to one of the valid statuses below. Your Delivery Team can work with you on the exact mapping.

Allowed Values:

  • 05 - Incomplete

    A service agreement setup has been started, but not all information is available for it yet. The data file can omit service agreements that are in this state.

  • 10 - Pending Start

    Service agreement has been set up, but service has not yet started.

  • 20 - Active

    A service agreement is fully active and service is being delivered.

  • 30 - Pending Stop

    A stop to a service agreement has been initiated, but service has not yet stopped.

  • 40 - Stopped

    Service agreement is fully stopped and no service is being delivered. Bills may still be outstanding.

  • 50 - Reactivated

    Service agreement has been reactivated after being stopped (for example, temporary suspension of service for non-payment).

  • 60 - Closed

    Service agreement has been fully terminated, all related bills are closed.

  • 70 - Canceled

    Service was never delivered, there are no outstanding bills, and the service agreement can be canceled.

Type: VARCHAR(50)

Can Be Empty?: No.


A description for the status code of the service agreement.

Allowed Values (from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing):

  • Incomplete
  • Pending Start
  • Active
  • Pending Stop
  • Stopped
  • Reactivated
  • Closed
  • Canceled

Type: VARCHAR(100)

Can Be Empty?: No.


The code for classifying a business according to a specific kind of economic activity. These codes may come from a classification system such as the NAICS (North American Industry Classification System), SIC (Standard Industrial Classification), or ISIC (International Standard of Industrial Classification).

You do not have to specify which classification system your CIS uses. However, the codes should come from only one classification system. Contact your Delivery Team to ensure Oracle Utilities Opower sets up the right configuration for the classification system you are using.

For example, if you are using NAICS, the values should match one of the codes from the NAICS reference:

Type: VARCHAR(20)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The date at which the record was updated in the source system. If left blank, the field does not store any data.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.