Account Fields

The billing data account fields capture details such as the utility customer's account active dates and any applicable rate codes.

Each table row represents a column in the data file. The header row of the data file must contain all table "Column Name" values, even if all values in those columns are blank. The columns must appear from left to right in the order in which they appear in the table and be separated by tab characters. See Legacy Billing Data File Specifications for more information.

Column Name Description


Utility’s unique identifier for the account. An account is a contract between a person and a utility to receive a particular service at a certain location.


Can Be Empty?: No.

Default: Not applicable.


Activation date for the account. The active_date must never change for a given account_id. The activation date should represent the beginning of the first usage period. Do not modify the active_date.

Type: STRING (yyyymmdd)

Can Be Empty?: No.

Default: Not applicable.


Termination date for the account, with null means that the account is currently active. This should only be set if the account has actually been terminated. Accounts that are temporarily inactive should not have this field populated. For example, 20140121.

Type: STRING (yyyymmdd)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.

Default: Null.


Deletion flag for the account.

Allowed Values:

  • true
  • 1
  • t

Deletion is disabled by default to ensure that accounts are not erroneously deleted. If you want to allow deletions, make a request to your Delivery Team. We only allow deletion of the most recent account for a service point.


Can Be Empty?: Yes.

Default: Not applicable.


Any unique alphanumeric string that specifies the time of month at which the meter read occurs. Used to ensure customers are compared against other customers with recent usage reads. This field should designate the service points that are read at approximately the same time. Utilities typically have 21 distinct read cycles corresponding to the business days in a month.


Can Be Empty?: No.

Default: Not applicable.


Rate code abbreviation for the rate plan associated with the account. The utility rate codes include, but are not be limited to: residential, commercial, low-income, time-of-use, and medical or disability rates. It is critical that the utility provide all rate codes applicable to residential customers. Inaccurate rate_code data could result in inaccurate savings numbers for customers and limit segmentation capabilities.

A document describing the rate plans and structure must also be provided separately to Oracle Utilities. See Rates Data Transfer for details.


Can Be Empty?: No.

Default: Null.

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