Legacy Billing Data Transfer

Oracle Utilities delivers personalized energy usage insights through printed reports, email messages, alerts, and web applications. In order to provide these insights, Oracle Utilities needs a regular feed of billed usage data for your customers.

Note: This is a legacy data transfer specification. You may need to use the new specification instead. Your Delivery Team will work with you to determine which is applicable to your situation.

Note: Terms used by Oracle Utilities to describe data fields might differ in meaning from your internal system’s terminology. Data fields are defined in this documentation to facilitate communication by ensuring use of common definitions. In order to avoid delays in launching your program, it is important that you read this content carefully and quickly contact your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team if you have any questions.

Note: As part of the setup and data transfer process, you must agree to certain data obligations to ensure the quality and integrity of the data. See Utility Data Obligations for more information.

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