Defining Global Styling and Configurations

The Settings options within the Opower Configuration Tool allow you to configure the product versions and various global configurations. Global configurations allow you to modify the default page and widget configurations to reflect a uniform brand identity and user experience. The Settings configurations that are available include:

  • Software Version defines the current version of the product you are configuring with the Opower Configuration Tool, and supports the upgrade process to newer versions.
  • Global Configs defines utility information and branding guidelines, web portal configuration, and other various configuration requirements to support your Digital Self Service - Transactions web portal.
  • Brand Styling includes the web portal elements, color, text, buttons, and link global settings that you can configure to comply with the client's branding guidelines.
  • Labels include the configuration settings for global labels such as currency, fuel types, and units of measure.
  • Locales include the regional locales for message text that are enabled for a utility.

Note: For best practices on using Opower Configuration Tool to complete your product configuration, see Best Practices and Configuration Considerations.

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