Best Practices and Configuration Considerations

When configuring your products with the Opower Configuration Tool, there are certain techniques, best practices, and other considerations that can simplify and improve the configuration experience. Be aware of the following:

  • File Assets: Configuring your products can include various file asset requirements such as image files, logos, and fonts. The Opower Configuration Tool provides configuration of certain assets. To ensure the file assets meet product requirements and are stored in the proper location, contact your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team as described in Contacting Your Delivery Team.
  • Message Configuration: Messages can support a combination of content types such as text, HTML, and code, depending on the message property. For more information on message configuration, see Syntax Standards for Messages.
  • Restoring Defaults: Configurations that have been modified from the default value provide a restore to default option. This allows for an easy way to restore the default behavior. The default value that is restored is shown before completing the restore action. If you are unsure whether you want to restore the default value or keep the current value, it is recommended to note down the current value in some way so that it is easier to reapply later if the default value does not meet requirements. The restore action can only restore to the default value, it does not keep a full history of changes.
  • Link Configuration: Widgets use links to redirect users to other widgets and web portal locations. The default link definitions for widgets can be used in most scenarios. For embedded deployments or other link configuration tasks, contact your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team as described in Contacting Your Delivery Team.
  • Resolving Errors: Configuration errors can be introduced which prevent publishing a workspace. You can view and resolve all errors for a workspace, as described in Reviewing and Resolving Errors.

Using Search to Locate Applicable Content

Opower Configuration Tool provides search functionality to make finding and navigating configurations easier. Each page contains a search field at the top of the screen and searches the option names. Next to the search box, the total number of matching options is displayed. If the properties are within tabs or accordion menus, there are count indicators to help find the areas where the search matches are located.

Some examples of common searches and their results include:

  • Search widget message and functionality configurations for applicable content. For example, you can search a widget for all message and functionality configurations that include the keyword disclaimer to review disclaimer related configurations.
  • Search global and branding configurations for applicable content. For example, you can search brand styling for the keyword color to review all color configurations.
  • Search pages for applicable widgets. For example, you can search a page for the keyword bill to review all billing-related widgets.

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