Syntax Standards for Messages

You can use a combination of text and code to update messages that are displayed on the web portal for the feature.

Using HTML in Messages

Some messages support the use of HTML code. You can use HTML in your messages for simple formatting, such as creating hyperlinks. While HTML provides you with enhanced formatting capabilities, you must use correct HTML syntax.

Note: The Opower Configuration Tool does not validate HTML entered for messages. You must confirm that all HTML code entered in messages is valid to ensure proper display of message content.

In addition to syntax requirements, you should review the message preview to ensure that any HTML used in the message looks appropriate on the web portal. While messages support HTML code, the use of certain elements may not work for every message. For example, messages that are used as a heading or major topic label could use HTML standards such as bold or italics. However, using an HTML standard list element in the same message could result in a suboptimal display of content on the web portal.

Using Code in Messages

Messages also support dynamic code in messages, which allows messages to include dynamic information such as a customer's energy use, account information, and other details. This type of content is included by using {{}} to define what is returned for the message. For example, an inclusion of {{costs}} can display cost information in a message. When modifying messages that include content within {{}} it is recommended to leave all content within {{}} unmodified, as it relies on specific naming and syntax standards and any manual modifications could cause syntax errors.

Note: If content within {{}} is modified in error, you can restore the default value of a message. For more information on restoring default values, see Best Practices and Configuration Considerations.

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