Wholesale Migrations

Wholesale migrations are used when migrating all the configuration and/or administration data from one environment to another. For example, a wholesale migration might be used when migrating admin data from a development or test environment to a production environment. For more on this type of migration, see Types of Migrations in the Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administration Guide.

The following is a high-level overview of the steps involved when executing a wholesale migration.

  1. Process the “F1-SchemaAdmin” (FW Foundation) migration request (This request contains migration plans for Field, Lookup, Char Type, Currency Code and FK Ref).
  2. Process the “C1-AdminBasic” migration request. This includes copies of framework migration plans (including plans for Business Objects, Algorithms, and Feature Configurations) from the “F1-FrameworkAdmin” migration request, as well as independent base package C1-owned wholesale migration plans which can be run first.
  3. Process any of the other delivered framework-based (F1-owned) migration requests as needed (except for the “F1-FrameworkAdmin” migration request which is already incorporated in #2)
  4. Process the “C1-CopyControlTables” migration request. This includes base package C1-owned wholesale migration plans with dependency on “C1-AdminBasic” migration request.