Digital Signatures

In some locales, billing software is required to generate and store digital signatures for each bill. Digital signatures are used to secure bills that are stored in the database, and the digital key for the bill will be known only to the vendor.

CCB supports digital signatures with the following features:

  • An Encryption feature configuration must be configured with an algorithm info option for the key alias and signing algorithm
  • The installation algorithm, C1-BILLSIG, generates the digital signature for a bill and captures this on the bill itself. The algorithm also stores an alias of the private/public key pair on the Bill as a characteristic. See the installation algorithm, C1-BILLSIG, for a description of how the signature is generated.
  • Bills are assigned a digital signature when they are completed.
    • The Assign Bill Document Numbers background process (C1-BNBAS) is responsible for generating digital signatures for a batch of bills. This batch job should be scheduled to run immediately after batch billing. See the description of the batch control and parameter settings for generating digital signatures.
    • A digital signature is also generated when a bill is completed online (by clicking the Complete button)
Note: The digital signatures features are only appropriate for customers who use document number in generating bill signatures.

For an example of the objects and instructions used for implementing this feature, see the CI_​​BilllDocNumber & DigitalSignature export bundle included in the demo data.

For details about setting up the required keystore for this feature, see the Installation Guide.