Constructing Statements

Statements are produced for a person. Each statement contains the financial transactions for one or more service agreements. The service agreements may belong to any number of accounts. Over time, a person may receive many statements.

When setting up a person to receive statements, it's important to note that a person can receive different statements for different groupings of service agreements. For example, the head office may want a statement of the financial details for the western division offices separately from the eastern division offices.

For each separate statement a person wishes to receive, you will set up a statement construct. On the statement construct, you define the service agreements and/or accounts whose financial information should appear on the statement. If you specify an account on a statement construct, billing information for all the service agreements linked to the account will be included on the statement. The superset of service agreements and accounts defined on a statement construct are called the "construct details".


Refer to Statement Construct Maintenance for more information.