Performing a Rate Check

Note: The Rate Check portal works with both calculation rule-based and component-based rate schedules.

Use this procedure to perform a rate check.

  • Select Menu > Rates > Rate Check.
  • Select the Rate Schedule for the rate check.
  • Select the Service Agreement for the rate check.
  • Select the Bill Segment for the rate check (if you wish to base the rate check on an existing bill segment).
  • Enter the Start Date, End Date, and Accounting Date for the rate check.
  • Select the Revenue Class for the rate check.
  • If you are basing the rate check on user-specified Service Quantities, enter the following for each as applicable:
  • UOM: The unit of measure applicable for the rate check (based on the specified rate schedule)
  • TOU: The time of use applicable for the rate check (based on the specified rate schedule)
  • SQI: The service quantity identifier applicable for the rate check (based on the specified rate schedule)
  • Measured Quantity: The amount of the service quantity specified.
  • Service Point ID: The service point which recorded the service quantities, if applicable

    Note: If you specified a Service Agreement and Bill Segment, this section is populated based on the selected data, but can be manually overwritten.

  • Specify characteristic types and values for any Characteristics are applicable to the rate check. Characteristic types and values are used to apply appropriate bill factor values during rate processing.
  • If you are using a calculation rule-based rate schedule, specify if the system Should Trace the process. This produces logs that outline the calculation groups and rules used by the rate schedule.
  • Execute the rate check:
    • If you wish to execute the rate check using a specified bill segment or service quantities, click Check Rate.
    • If you wish to execute the rate check using billing determinants retrieved from an external system (such as Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management), select the appropriate function from the Select Function dropdown list.