Managing To Do Entries

The product provides several base algorithm types that may be used to manage To Do entries through status changes for a given record via BO lifecycle plug-ins.

Create To Do Entry

The product supplies a BO status Enter algorithm type Generic To Do Creation (F1-TDCREATE) that creates a To Do entry based on parameter configuration. Refer to the algorithm type description for more information about how it determines the To Do type or To Do role and how to populate the appropriate message text onto the To Do. This algorithm may be used in conjunction with the Retry Logic (below).

If your implementation has a business rule that requires a To Do entry to be created when entering a given BO status and the logic provided by the algorithm type meets the needs of the business rule, this algorithm type may be used. Create an algorithm for the algorithm type, populate the algorithm parameters according to the business rules and plug the new algorithm into the appropriate business object status as an Enter algorithm.

Retry Logic

The algorithm type Retry for To Dos (F1-TODORETRY) is supplied for a special use case. It is a BO status monitor plug-in and may be used for a state that is a type of ‘error’ or ‘waiting’ state. It relies on the To Do entry creation logic to set a Retry Frequency. The algorithm transitions to the originating state to retry the logic. The idea is that the condition that caused the record to enter the ‘error’ or ‘waiting’ state may be resolved after some period of time has passed, allowing the record to progress in its lifecycle. Refer to the algorithm type description for more information about its logic.

To use this functionality, create an algorithm for this algorithm type, populate the algorithm parameters according to the business rules and plug the new algorithm into the appropriate business object status as a Monitor algorithm. The state should also have an algorithm for the Generic To Do Creation algorithm type plugged in as an Enter algorithm (or something equivalent) that sets the appropriate Retry Frequency.

To Do Completion

It is common that one or more To Do entries associate with a given record should be completed when exiting a state (if it is not already completed). The system supplies the algorithm type Generic To Do Completion (F1-TODOCOMPL) that may be used for this purpose. Note that the algorithm type functionality is not tied to any To Do creation logic. It may be used for any use case where To Do entries should be completed on exiting a state. Refer to the algorithm type description for more information about its functionality and how to prevent certain To Do entries from being automatically completed.

To use this functionality, create an algorithm for this algorithm type, populate the algorithm parameters according to the business rules and plug the new algorithm into the appropriate business object status as an Exit algorithm.