Converted COBOL Program - Main

Use this transaction to define converted COBOL program user exits for your system. Navigate to this page using Admin > System > Converted COBOL Program > Search.

Description of Page

The following describes fields that are relevant to defining the user exit code that a converted COBOL Program should use:

Program Component ID represents the internal ID that is given to the converted COBOL program component.

Program Com Name is the physical name of the converted COBOL program component.

Template is the template used to generate the converted COBOL program component.

Location ID (for development purposes)

Table (for development purposes)

User Exit Program. Specify if you have written user exit code for this converted COBOL program component.

Development Status Flag. Options include Note Generated and Not Regeneratable.

Short Comments provides a short description of the converted COBOL program component.

Long Comments provides more details of the converted COBOL program component.

The Variable Information grid (including Variable Name, Occurrence, Variable Sequence, Variable Value, and Variable Alternate Value) is for development purposes only.