Changing A Start Option

If the service agreement is in the pending start state, you can use the Start/Stop - Pending SAs page to change the service agreement's SA type and/or start option.

If the service agreement is in the active or pending stop states and if the SA type uses start options, a button appears on Service Agreement - Main called Apply New Start Option. When clicked, the Apply New Start Option dialog box opens.

The fields in this dialog box allow you to define a Start Option whose terms should be copied to the service agreement as of a given effective date ( Apply Start Option on). Because most terms on a service agreement are effective-dated, it's important that you understand the following ramifications of applying a start option (note, we use the word "terms" to generically reference any of the fields that can be defaulted from a start option):

  • Terms are reused if Start Option contains the same value as defined in the service agreement. For example,
    • If the Start Option references the same rate as defined in the service agreement, a new rate record will NOT be created.
    • If the Start Option references a contract rider that's currently defined in the service agreement, a new rider will NOT be created.
  • Terms that support explicit expiration (i.e., those with an end date) are expired if they are not referenced on the new start option. For example, if the service agreement has a rider that is not referenced on the new start option, it will be expired.
  • Terms that support implicit expiration (i.e., those without an end date) are left unchanged if they are not referenced on the new start option. For example, a service agreement characteristic that isn't referenced on the new start option will NOT be modified when a new start option is applied.

Only start options related to the service agreement's SA type can be used. It should be noted that only start options related to the service agreement's SA type can be specified. If the service agreement is in the pending start state, you can change the service agreement's SA type on the Main tab or via Start/Stop - Pending SAs. If the service agreement is active, you may not change its SA type.

When you click OK a warning window will appear that summarizes the changes that will be made to the service agreement. After confirming what will be changed, click OK to change the service agreement's terms. The Start Option that is shown on the Main tab will now reflect the start option whose terms were just applied.