The System Finalizes Most Service Agreements Behind-The-Scenes

The SA activation background process (SAACT or C1-STPSA) finalizes a pending stop service agreement when everything necessary is in place. The service agreement's SA Type defines what's necessary:

  • For SA Types that don't have service points (e.g., charitable donations, deposits, third party billing), everything necessary to finalize the service agreement is defined when you initiate the request to stop service. These types of service agreements can be finalized immediately.
  • For SA Types that have service points, all field activity requests linked to the service point must be complete.

When the SA activation background process detects that everything necessary to stop service is in place, it automatically stops the service agreement. This process runs as often as your organization desires (but it should run at least daily).


Sub SAs are not handled by the SA activation background process. If your organization uses the SA relationship functionality and you have service providers that necessitate sub service agreements, you should be aware that the SA activation background process only stops normal and master SAs; sub SAs are stopped by the analyze SA relationships background process.

You can stop a service agreement real-time (assuming everything that's necessary to stop service is in place). Simply open Service Agreement - Main and click the Stop button.