Determine The Eligibility Rules For The Campaign


Assumption. This section assumes you are comfortable with the information in The Big Picture Of Campaign Eligibility.

The easiest way to determine a campaign's eligibility is to examine each package's eligibility criteria and abstract common eligibility restrictions onto the campaign. It's important to remember that campaign-level eligibility is only used to highlight if the campaign MAY contain applicable packages; campaign-level eligibility is not strictly enforced.

The packages on our example campaign are all targeted at residential customers in California. Therefore we'll take advantage of two base package algorithms to construct the campaign's eligibility criteria.

Algorithm Type


Parameter Values

Check if account's customer class is in a predefined list (see CAEL-CC)

If customer class is "residential", check next algorithm

If customer's customer class is in list: 30 (check next)

If customer's customer class is not in list: 20 (ineligible)

List of customer classes: R

Check if account's division is in a predefined list (see CAEL-DIV)

If division is "California", customer is eligible

If customer's CIS division is in list: 10 (eligible)

If customer's CIS division is not in list: 20 (ineligible)

List of customer classes: CA