Configuring Measurement Logging

There are two components to logging changes to final measurements:

  • Initial Measurement Finalization: the "normalization" algorithm on a particular initial measurement data business object will determine how final measurements are updated. For performance reasons certain types of initial measurement data (e.g. initial load) are delivered with a final measurement update method that will skip any logging. This can be controlled by parameters on the algorithm that implements the algorithm type Normalize Measurements for Initial Measurement Data (D1-NORM-IMD). Specifically the "Create Measurement Log on Update (Y/N)" parameter should be set to "Y". As mentioned creating these logs has a performance impact and it is not recommended for use on initial load.
  • Measurement Business Object: there must be an algorithm for the audit system event configured. The base package delivers the algorithm type Add Measurement Log Record (D1-AMSRMTLOG). It is this algorithm that actually records the log entries.

Logging User Updates to Manual Initial Measurements

By default, manual edits made by users of these zones are not logged on the Log tab. Logging of manual edits to manual initial measurements can be enabled by adding a logging algorithm on an appropriate lifecycle state of the manual initial measurement business objects. The Log User Transaction (D1-LOGUSRTRN) base package algorithm can be used for this. This Enter algorithm is designed to be defined on the Initial state of the manual initial measurement business objects, but it can also be defined on any (non-transitory) Interim or Final state as well.

To ensure logging of any or all manual edits made to manual initial measurements, this algorithm should be specified on any state in which users will make manual edits. This will most often be the Pending or VEE Ready states, but could also include the Error, Exception, or Finalized states.

CAUTION: When defining this algorithm, the user should exercise caution and determine if previous algorithms in the sequence within the state contain any form of transitioning logic that may inadvertently cause this algorithm to be bypassed.