Extract Request Processing

This section provides a detailed description of the extract request process.

  • The “Usage / Event Extract Scheduler Monitor” batch process (D1-EXTSC) checks for “NES Usage Extract Scheduler” or “NES Event Extract Scheduler” activities that are in the “Active” state, and transitions these to the “Send Request” state. It also updates the “Latest Request Start Date/Time” and “Latest Request End Date/Time” fields on the activity based on the date and time of the request.

  • When the activity enters the “Send Request” state, an Enter algorithm (either “Usage Extract Scheduler Send Request” (D4-USGSNDREQ) or “Event Extract Scheduler Send Request” (D4-EVTSNDREQ)) sends a request via an message sender to the middleware (via the GrabBatchUsage or GrabBatchEvent BPEL services), which in turn send the request to the NES server.

  • After the request is sent, the “NES Usage Extract Scheduler” or “NES Event Extract Scheduler” activity to set back to the “Active” state.

  • The NES server calls the BPEL services “GrabBatchEvents” and “GrabBatchUsage.” BPEL then routes the incoming events or usage to a file system, which is used by OSB components to process the usage or events.