Configuring Timeline Zones

This topic highlights information related to configuring a timeline zone. The zone type is F1-TIMELINE. A timeline zone contains one or more "lines" where each line shows when significant events have occurred. The output of each line is driven by an algorithm configured on a timeline zone. Each algorithm is responsible for retrieving a single type of data. For example, one algorithm may retrieve bills for an account in a given time period whereas another algorithm may retrieve payments for that account for the same time period.

The algorithms to configure for a timeline zone use the Zone - Timeline plug-in spot. Please note the following details about the behavior for algorithms for this plug-in spot.

  • The timeline algorithm receives all the global context values currently populated. In addition, it receives a start and end date from the zone, based on the time period chosen by the user, along with the maximum number of events that can be reasonably displayed for the chosen time period. The algorithm should use this information to retrieve data for a given type of transaction related to one or more of the input context values for the provided time period.

  • For each event found, the algorithm returns information about the event along with many options that assist the user in getting more detail about each event or acting on an event.

    • Event date

    • Primary key of the record (key / value pairs)

    • FK Reference. With this information, the timeline zone will display the appropriate info string to display in the zone’s info area when clicking on the event. In addition, the FK reference identifies the appropriate navigation option to use when a user clicks the info string hypertext to view the record on its maintenance page.

    • Background Color and Text Color to use for the event. (Obsolete). This information is no longer used by the timeline zone and will be ignored.

    • Icon use for the event. (Obsolete). This information is no longer used by the timeline zone and will be ignored.

    • BPA script to launch when a user clicks on an event. (Optional). The algorithm may return one or more BPA scripts that a user may launch to act on an event. For example, for an event that has a status of Error, perhaps a BPA is provided to walk a user through resolving the error.

      When a script is initiated from a timeline, the system puts the prime key of the event into a field in the page data model. The name of the field is the column name(s) of the event's prime key. For example, when a script associated with a payment event is kicked off, the system populates a field called PAY_​ID with the prime-key of the selected payment.

Note that your specific edge application may supply algorithm types for a timeline zone as part of the base product. Although algorithm types may be provided, typically the product does not deliver algorithms because the parameters for the algorithms are driven by a particular implementation's business rules and preferences. As a result, the product will also not deliver pre-configured timeline zones. Please refer to your edge application's documentation for more information about what timeline algorithm types are delivered, if any and recommendations for configuration.