Data Audit Maintenance

Different functions in Customer Care and Billing and Meter Data Management use similar types of data when calculating usage and billing charges, and it’s critical that the data be consistent between the applications. For example, both Usage Rules in Meter Data Management and Calculation Rules in Customer Care and Billing make use of TOU Groups, TOU Map Templates, TOU Map Types, etc., and when calculating usage and billing charges for an account, the data used by both systems should be effectively identical. The process of maintaining similar sets of data usable by each system is called Data Audit Maintenance.

When specific types of Meter Data Management data is created or updated, Audit algorithms create or update corresponding Customer Care and Billing data. For instance, when a TOU Map Type usable by Meter Data Management Usage Rules is created, data auditing creates a similar TOU Map Type usable by Customer Care and Billing Calculation Rules.

Data audit maintenance is used with several types of Meter Data Management data in Customer to Meter, including:

  • TOU Group

  • TOU Map Template

  • TOU Map Type

  • TOU Map

  • Device Type (Item Type)

The table below outlines the business objects and algorithms used by data audit maintenance:

Data Type

Business Object

Audit Algorithm

TOU Group


Maintain CCB TOU Group (X1-MCCBTOUGP)

TOU Map Template


Maintain CCB TOU Map Template (X1-MCCBTOUTM)

TOU Map Type


Maintain CCB TOU Map Type (X1-MCCBTOUMT)




Device Type (Item Type)


Maintain CCB Item Type (X1-MCCBITEMT)

Refer to the Business Object and Algorithm portals to view additional details regarding these audit algorithms.

Other Data Auditing

In addition to the objects listed above, Customer To Meter uses data auditing with other objects in Customer Care and Billing to ensure that changes to data reflected in related data in Meter Data Management. These objects use Audit algorithms on their maintenance objects to capture any changes and update the corresponding data. The objects that make use of this approach include the following:

  • Account: When service agreement-related account data is changed in Customer Care and Billing, the audit algorithm creates a Service Agreement outbound data synchronization request to captures the change and update the corresponding usage subscription in Meter Data Management.

  • Premise: When a Customer Care and Billing premise is changed, the audit algorithm updates the address information in the service point in Meter Data Management.

The table below outlines the data types, maintenance objects, and algorithms used by these.

Data Type

Maintenance Object

Audit Algorithm



C2M Account Change Data Capture (SA-Based) (X1-ACCTCDCSA)



Update MDM SP from CCB Premise (X1-UPSPFRPR)

Refer to the Maintenance Object and Algorithm portals to view additional details regarding these audit algorithms.