Understanding Response-Related Updates

The questions configured on the customer service request type can be set up to perform related updates when the start / stop / transfer service request is processed and / or completed.

A response-related update can store the response value in a specific attribute or characteristic on objects such as Person, Account, Premise, SP and SA. In some cases, the the response value can be used to derive the actual value to store on a particular field, e.g. when the field is a foreign key to an admin table.

The base product provides a CS Request Type Related Update business object (C1-CSRTRelUpd) for configuring response-related updates. Refer to the business object configuration in the application for more information.

The following describes the functionality that this business object supports.

Related Update Entity Defines The Object To Update

A response-related update specifies a Related Update Entity, which identifies the maintenance object - i.e. Account, Person, Premise, SP or SA - and the part of the object to update - i.e., table field, characteristic or a custom element in the CLOB (XML) field.

Related Update Entity is an extendable lookup (C1-CSRTRelUpdEntity) that has base-supplied values for updates to the following:
  • Fields on the Person, Account, Premise or SP tables
  • Characteristics on Person, Account, Premise, SP or SA
  • Custom elements in the Person or SP CLOB fields
Your implementations can add other objects to update by adding values to this lookup.