Extracting Service Points

This topic provides additional details related to extracting service points from Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service for import into Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service.

Initial Extract Batch Process

Initial extract files for service points are created using the Migrate CCB SP to DACS MSP (C1-DSPIL) batch process. Use the Batch Control portal to view the parameters used by this batch process. This process should be run only for the initial extract.

Maintenance Object Audit Algorithm

The Sync Service Point as DACS Metered Service Point (C1_​DASPSYNC) audit algorithm tracks new service point data and changes to existing service point data and creates data synchronization requests, which are used to create incremental extract files.

Sync Request Business Object

Service point sync requests are based on the Sync CCB SP to DACS Metered Service Point (C1-DACSMSPSyncRequest) business object.

Incremental Extract Batch Process

Incremental service point extract files are created from sync requests and General Process records using the SP Incremental Sync Batch Control (C1-DSPEX) batch process. Use the Batch Control portal to view the parameters used by this batch process. This process should be run as needed for incremental updates.

Service Point Extract File Format

Service point extract files use the following tab-separated values format:

Field Name



External Reference Id Optional The metered service point's reference ID in the CIS application.
Change Date Time Optional

The date and time on which the metered service point was changed.

Applicable only for Incremental Uploads

Will be used to sequence processing in case there are multiple changes to the same metered service point.

Initial Load Sync Flag Required

A value that indicates the type of upload. Valid values are:

  • F1IL - Initial Load

  • F1IC - Incremental

External Id Required

The metered service point's ID in the CIS application.

When importing data from Customer to Meter or Customer Cloud Service this is the Service Point External ID.

Metered SP Type Required

The type of metered service point. When importing data from Customer to Meter or Customer Cloud Service this comes from the Service Point Type.

If the provided metered service point type has not been defined as a Metered Service Point Type in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service an extendable lookup is used to map this value to the Metered Service Point Type used in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service.

SP Source Status Required

The metered service point's source status. Valid values are values for the Source Status (SP_​​SRC_​​STAT_​​FLG) lookup, and include:

  • D1CN (Connected)

  • D1DC (Disconnected)

Division Optional

The metered service point's division.

If the provided division has not been defined as a Division in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service an extendable lookup is used to map this value to the Division used in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service.

External Premise Id Optional The ID of the premise associated with the metered service point in the CIS application.
Time Zone Required The time zone in which the metered service point is located.
Country Optional The country in which the metered service point is located.
Postal Optional The metered service point's postal code.
Address 1 Optional The metered service point's address.
Address 2 Optional Additional details regarding the metered service point's address (if applicable).
Address 3 Optional Additional details regarding the metered service point's address (if applicable).
Address 4 Optional Additional details regarding the metered service point's address (if applicable).
City Optional The city in which the metered service point is located.
County Optional The county in which the metered service point is located.
State Optional The state in which the metered service point is located.
Longitude Optional The metered service point's longitude.
Latitude Optional The metered service point's latitude.
Life Support Sensitive Load Flag Required

A flag that indicates if the metered service point requires a Life Support Sensitive Load. Valid values are "true" and "false"

An extendable lookup is used to map this value to the Life Support Sensitive Load flag used in Digital Asset Management / Digital Asset Cloud Service

Life Support Sensitive Load Description Optional An optional description for Life Support Sensitive Load.
Status Required The current state of the metered service point. Valid values are "ACTIVE" and "INACTIVE".
Is OK to Enter? Optional
SP Warning Optional
SP Instructions Optional
SP Instructions Details Optional
Is Key Optional
Key Id Optional
Device Location Optional
Device Location Details Optional

Sample Record

Below is a sample file:

EXTREFMSP11    2023-06-21T14:01:00-08:00    F1IC    EXTMSP1    ZZ-EXTMSPTYPE    D1CN    ZZEDV    EXTPREM1    USPACIFIC    USA    94705    7610 Block Derby St    Addr2    Addr3    Addr4    Berkley    Alameda    CA    -81.697494    41.501120    false        ACTIVE