Testing Periodic Estimation on Small Data Sets

This topic provides guidelines for testing periodic estimation on small data sets.

How to Override the System Date

The system or process date is a key driver in the periodic estimation process. It will determine the end date/time of the estimation horizon (along with the periodic estimation configuration). When testing a single device this override can ensure that estimations never go further in time then you would like if you are working with an older set of test data.

There are two methods to override the system date (both use the format YYYY-MM-DD) that will work for the methods being described in this section.

  • The System Override Date option on the General System Configuration feature configuration: this impacts all users and batches

  • The System Override Date characteristic for a specific user: this impacts only processes executed by a particular user

Testing a Single Device

To test a single device you can emulate the D1-SMMTR batch by using the F1-AutoTransitionBO business service. This service executes the monitor algorithms on the current state of a business object much in the same way as the D1-SMMTR batch control. This business service can be called in one of two ways:

  1. Create a BPA script to call the business service for a particular device ID (see sample below).

  2. Create an Inbound Web Service and use SoapUI or an analogous product to call that Inbound Web Service (see sample below).

  3. Be sure that the credentials used for the Inbound Web Service submission are the ones for which the date was overridden (if you are overriding the system date for a single user).

Sample BPA edit step:

move '724182144552' to "F1-AutoTransitionBO/primeKeyValues/pkValue1";
move 'D1-DEVICE' to "F1-AutoTransitionBO/mo";
move 'D1-SMMTR' to "F1-AutoTransitionBO/batchControl";
invokeBS 'F1-AutoTransitionBO' using "F1-AutoTransitionBO";

Sample SOAP Inbound Web Service Payload:


Testing a Subset of Devices

To test a subset of devices you can create a plug-in driven batch:

  • Select algorithm: write the select statement that gathers the device IDs that you wish to test, this can be a hard coded list if need be (just select them from dual).

  • Process Records algorithm: Use the F1-AutoTransitionBO business service, but call it for the device in the current work unit (this is essentially what D1-SMMTR does)