Service Order Activity Algorithm Types

When an orchestration activity enters the "Are SP and Device Ready?" state, a set of Enter algorithms are used to evaluate the state of the service point / meter / item to determine which actions are required to complete the service request. These algorithms are based on the following algorithm types.

Customer-Device Compatibility Check (D1-DVCOMCHK)

Algorithms of this type execute the "Customer-Device Compatibility Algorithm" defined on the orchestration activity’s activity type. Algorithms of this type uses the following parameters:

  • Activity BO To Create If Compatibility Detected: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate if the algorithm detects an in compatibility between the customer/service point and device.

Note: The base package does not include algorithm types for the "Activity Type - Customer Device Compatibility" algorithm entity.

Connect Only If Previously Connected (D1-CONPRECON)

Algorithms of this type check if the "Connect New Device" flag has a value. If the flag is not populated, the algorithm sets the value of the flag based on the connection status of the device prior to the meter exchange (used only with Meter Exchange requests).

For additional information, refer to the D1-CONPRECON Algorithm Type.

Create Meter Exchange Field Activity (D1-CREMTREXC)

Algorithms of this type create a service order field activity based on details provided in the algorithm’s parameters. Algorithms of this type uses the following parameters:

  • Activity and Specific Field Task to Create: Specifies the type of activity business object and field task type to create for meter exchange service order field activities, as defined by the following mnemonics:




Specifies the activity business object to create.


Specifies the Field Task Type when creating a service order field activity. This value comes from the Field Task Type extendable lookup.

For example, to create a service order field activity based on the D1-FieldActivity business object and the Exchange Meter field task type, these mnemonics would be configured as follows:

activityBOToCreate=D1-FieldActivity specificFieldTask=D1-ExchangeMeter

For additional information, refer to the D1-CREMTREXC Algorithm Type.

Decommission Removed Meter (D1-DCRMMTR)

Algorithms of this type create a decommissioning command for a removed meter (used only with Meter Exchange requests). Algorithms of this type uses the following parameters:

  • Decommission Activity BO to be created: Specifies the type of activity business object to create when decommissioning a meter. The specific activity is created, as defined by the following mnemonics:




Specifies the activity business object to create.

For example, to create a smart meter command activity based on the D1-DeviceDecommission business object, this parameter would be configured as follows:


For additional information, refer to the D1-DCRMMTR Algorithm Type.

Create Specific Activity (D1-CRSPACT)

Algorithms of this type determine if a specific activity needs to be created based on the state of the service point. Algorithms of this type use the following parameters to specify the conditions and activity to be created:

  • Field Activity BO: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate if the algorithm creates a field task type (see next parameter).

  • SP State and Activity BO to Create: Specifies the type of activity business object to create based on the state of the service point. This parameter can be repeated up to 20 times. Instances of the parameter are evaluated one at a time and the first condition matching the state of the service point is used. Parameters should be ordered from the most restrictive condition to the least restrictive. This parameters uses the following mnemonics to indicate the state (any combination of the following) of the service point:




Specifies if the service point is currently connected

Valid values are “true" and "false".


Specifies the “Disconnect Location” for the service point.

Valid values are “D1SR" (source) and "D1DV" (device).


Specifies if there is a device currently installed at the service point.

Valid values are “true" and "false".


Specifies the value of the "Installation Status" option type of the Install Event's Status ("Pending", "Conn-PreComm", "ManualOff", etc.)

Based on the unique combination of these mnemonics, a specific activity is created, as defined by the following mnemonics:




Specifies the activity business object to create (used most often to specify a command business object)


Specifies the field task type when creating a service order field activity. This value comes from the Field Task Type extendable lookup.

Note: If this mnemonic is specified, the "Field Activity BO" parameter should specify the activity business object to create.


Specifies a service point type category. Valid values in include "D1MT" (meter), "D1IT" (item), "D1MI" (multi-item), from the SP_​CATEGORY_​FLG lookup.

Specifying this mnemonic indicates that a service order field activity should be created only if the service point’s category match the one specified by this mnemonic.


Specifies whether or not to execute the algorithm specified for the Override Device/Task Algorithm on the service order orchestration activity type.

This allows the activity business object to be dynamically determined based on an algorithm instead of the "activityBOToCreate" or "specificFieldTask" mnemonics.

Valid values are “true" and "false".

For example, the following parameter configuration would create a "Connect Service Point and Install Meter" service order field activity given the following conditions:

  • Service Point Connected: False

  • Disconnect Location: Source

  • Device Installed at Service Point: False

  • Service Point Category: Meter

servicePointConnected=false disconnectLocation=D1SR deviceInstalledAtSP=false specificFieldTask=D1-ConnSPAtSrceAndInstMtr spTypeCategory=D1MT

For additional information, refer to the D1-CRSPACT Algorithm Type.

Update Device (D1-UPDDVC)

Algorithms of this type determine if an activity needs to be created to update the device based on the state of the service point and device installed at the service point. Algorithms of this type use the following parameters to specify the conditions and activity to be created.

  • Error if SP Not Connected or no Device Installed (Default is Yes): Indicates if the algorithm should return an error if the service point is not connected or if a device is not currently installed. Valid values are "Yes" and "Con" (continue)

  • SP State and Activity BO to Create: Specifies the type of activity business object to create based on the state of the service point. This parameter can be repeated up to 20 times. Instances of the parameter are evaluated one at a time and the first condition matching the state of the service point is used. Parameters should be ordered from the most restrictive condition to the least restrictive. These parameters use the following mnemonic to indicate the state (any combination of the following) of the service point:




Specifies the value of the "Installation Status" option type of the Install Event's Status ("Pending", "Conn-PreComm", "ManualOff", etc.)

Based on the value of this mnemonic, a specific activity is created, as defined by the following mnemonics:




Specifies the activity business object to create (used most often to specify a command business object)


Specifies the Field Task Type when creating a service order field activity. This value comes from the Field Task Type extendable lookup.

Note: If this mnemonic is specified, the "Field Activity BO" parameter should specify the activity business object to create.


Specifies a service point type category. Valid values in include "D1MT" (meter), "D1IT" (item), "D1MI" (multi-item), from the SP_​CATEGORY_​FLG lookup.

Specifying this mnemonic indicates that a service order field activity should be created only if the service point’s category match the one specified by this mnemonic.


Specifies an alternative Field Task Type to use when creating a service order field activity in the event that the device does not support the command indicated by the "activityBOToCreate" mnemonic.

Note: If this mnemonic is specified, the "Field Activity BO" parameter should specify the activity business object to create.

A value of 'skip' will continue the evaluation of the algorithm's next parameter

For example, the following parameter configuration would create a "Turn On Meter" service order field activity given the following conditions:

  • Installation Status: Manual Off

  • Service Point Category: Meter

installEventStatusOverride=ManualOff specificFieldTask=D1-TurnOnMeter spTypeCategory=D1MT

Other parameters used by algorithms of this type include:

  • Field Activity BO: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate if the algorithm creates a field task type (see above parameter).

  • XPath of Activity Element controlling Activity creation: Defines an element within the activity business object schema that can be used to control whether or not this algorithm should create an activity. For example, to specify that the value of the "Connect New Device" flag be used to determine whether or not the algorithm should create an activity, this parameter could be set to "connectNewDevice".

  • Element value indication that Activity creation should not proceed: Specifies a value for the element defined in the "XPath of Activity Element controlling Activity creation" parameter that would indicate that the algorithm should not create an activity. Valid values are based on the element defined for the "XPath of Activity Element controlling Activity creation" parameter. For example, to specify that an activity should not be created if the "Connect New Device" flag is set to "Do Not Connect / Turn On", this parameter should be set to "D1NC" (from the D1_​CONNECT_​NEW_​DEVICE_​FLG lookup).

For additional information, refer to the D1-UPDDVC Algorithm Type.

Remote Turn Off Turn On (D1-REMONOFF)

Algorithms of this type remotely turn a device off and on for a Back to Back service request. Algorithms of this type use the following parameters:

  • Device Incompatibility Detected Activity BO: Specifies the activity business object the algorithm will look for. If the algorithm finds an activity of this business object, the algorithm terminates.

  • Remote Connect BO: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate when creating a remote connect command.

  • Remote Disconnect BO: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate when creating a remote disconnect command.

  • Installation Event Status Override for Connect: The override status to which the Installation Event Status is set after performing a remote connect command.

  • Installation Event Status Override for Disconnect: The override status to which the Installation Event Status is set after performing a remote disconnect command.

For additional information, refer to the D1-REMONOFF Algorithm Type.

Check for Measurement (D1-CHKMSMT)

Algorithms of this type determine if measurements exist on activity's service point as of the service date/time. If no measurement is found, algorithms of this type create an activity to either obtain or wait for a measurement. The specific type of activity is based on the type and configuration of the device and service point. Algorithms of this type use the following parameters:

  • Activity BO To Wait For Measurement: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate when the algorithm logic indicates it should wait for a measurement for the service point.

  • Activity BO For Field Read: Specifies the field activity business object to instantiate when the algorithm logic indicates it should request a meter reading from the field.

  • Specific Field Task: Specifies the field task type when creating a service order field activity for a meter reading from the field.

  • Activity BO To Wait For Scheduled Read: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate when the algorithm logic indicates it should wait for a scheduled read for the service point.

  • Activity BO For On Demand Read - Scalar: Specifies the activity business object to instantiate when the algorithm logic indicates it should issue an on-demand read (scalar) smart meter command.

  • Start Range for Normal Measurement Condition: The start of the range of conditions that indicate "normal" measurements when the algorithm is searching for measurements for the service point.

  • End Range for Normal Measurement Condition: The end of the range of conditions that indicate "normal" measurements when the algorithm is searching for measurements for the service point.

  • Minimum Range for bottom Measurement condition: The minimum measurement condition used when searching for measurements for the service point. Used only when no measurements are found in the "normal" range defined by the "Start/End Range Normal Measurement Condition” parameters.

The following parameters on the orchestration activity type are also used by algorithms of this type when searching for measurements for the service point:

  • Look for Measurement within the Day: Limits the search to the reference date (the service date).

  • Minimum and Maximum Offset Number of Days: Numbers of days added to /subtracted from the reference date to expand the search period.

For additional information, refer to the D1-CHKMSMT Algorithm Type.

Algorithm Types and Orchestration Activity Business Objects

Each of the orchestration activity business objects uses a different set of these algorithm types. The table below lists which of these algorithm types are defined for each of the service order orchestration activity business objects.

Enable Service

Disable Service

Cut for Non-Payment

Reconnect for Payment

Meter Exchange


Customer-Device Compatibility Check



Connect Only If Previously Connected


Create Specific Activity


Create Meter Exchange Field Activity


Update Device







Remote Turn Off Turn On


Decommission Removed Meter


Check For Measurement:





Cancel / Update Orchestration - Algorithm Types

Enter algorithms on the "Cancel Specific Activity" and "Update Specific Activity" states attempt to cancel or update a specific child activity. These algorithms are based on the following algorithm types.

  • Cancel Specific Activity: Algorithms of this type cancel the specific activity (either a service order field activity or a smart meter command) that is associated to the Cancel or Update orchestration activity, based on the current status of the specific activity.

  • Update Specific Activity: Algorithms of this type update the specific activity (either a service order field activity or a smart meter command) that is associated to the Cancel or Update orchestration activity, based on the current status of the specific activity.

Algorithm Type


Cancel Specific Activity (D1-CANSPACT)

Cancel Specific Activity (D1-CANSPACT)

Update Specific Activity (D1-UPDSPAC)

Update Specific Activity (D1-UPDSPAC)

Use the Algorithm Type and Algorithm portals to view additional details about these algorithms.