Interval Create Estimation IMD for Gap

This rule is very different from other VEE rules in that it does not examine the current initial measurement but rather looks to see if there are any missing measurements prior to the initial measurement being processed (i.e. a gap exists). If so and the scenario meets the configured options it will generate an estimation initial measurement to fill in that gap.

This rule is intended to provide more real-time filling of missing measurements as opposed to running periodic estimation. However, it is still expected that periodic estimation will be used in conjunction with this rule such that any gaps that are not filled in by this rule would eventually be filled in by periodic estimation.

This rule can be configured to perform minimal validation of that gap that is identified and defer to the estimation initial measurement to validate against other initial measurements and final measurements that may overlap the gap. Conversely, it can also be configured to validate the gap and exclude any periods where a final measurement or in progress initial measurement overlaps the gap's duration.


This estimation rule acts differently from the other rules - it creates a new IMD rather than filling in missing values in an estimation IMD created from periodic estimations.

Additional detail on the logic of this rule can be found in the Detailed Description of the D2-CREESTIMD Algorithm Type.

For help with the meaning of specific configuration fields, refer to the embedded help on the screen when adding or editing the rule.

Business Object


Example Scenarios

The following are sample scenarios that can be achieved based on configuration of this rule.

Example 1: A 4-hour gap exists and the rule is configured to always fill gaps. Maximum hours are set to 4 and the gap fill is set to "always".

This illustration shows an Interval Create Estimation IMD scenario where maximum hours are set to 4 and the gap fill is set to "always".

Since the maximum hours has not been exceeded and the rule is configured to always fill the gap, a 4-hour estimation IMD is created to fill the gap.

Example 2: A 4-hour gap exists and the rule is configured to always fill gaps. However, the maximum number of hours to fill is 3.

This illustration shows an Interval Create Estimation IMD scenario where maximum number of hours to fill is 3.

Since the gap is 4 hours long and the maximum hours to gap fill is 3 hours, no estimation has been created. An exception would be created if the rule were configured this way.

Example 3: A non-contiguous gap exists and the rule is configured to "Skip In-Progress IMDs and Final Measurements" with a maximum number of IMDs set to 2.

This illustration shows a scenario where the rule is configured to "Skip In-Progress IMDs and Final Measurements" with a maximum number of IMDs set to 2.

In this scenario:
  • One interval in the 4-hour gap is covered by a final measurement.
  • One interval in the 4-hour gap is covered by an in-progress IMD.
  • Two estimation IMDs are generated one to fill each hour not covered by a final measurement or in-progress IMD.