Transactional Data Mapping

Certain types of transactional data created in Customer Care and Billing result in related transactional data in Meter Data Management (and vice-versa). This section describes these transactional mappings.

Usage Requests / Usage Transactions

Customer Care and Billing creates usage requests during the billing process to request usage calculations in Meter Data Management. These requests in turn create Meter Data Management usage transactions, which perform the usage calculations.

Customer Care and Billing usage requests use the following business objects:

  • MDM Cyclical Usage Request (C1–UsageRequestCyclicalBilling): Used with usage requests created from the cyclical or batch billing process.

  • MDM Non-Cyclical Usage Request (C1–UsageRequestNonCyclical): Used with usage requests created from non-cyclical or online bill generation.

  • MDM Usage Request (C1–UsageRequest): Parent business object that defines the lifecycle for Cyclical and Non-Cyclical usage requests.

When a usage request enters the “Send Request” state, the “Send Usage Request Message to MDM” (X1–SENDUSGR) Enter algorithm invokes the “Usage Transaction Request Inbound” (X1-UsgTrRqIn) service script which uses the Usage Transaction Seeder (D1–UsgTranSeeder) business object to create a usage transaction.

When a Meter Data Management usage transaction enters a “Subsequent Correction” state, the “X1-SEND-SUBC” Enter algorithm invokes the “Call Subsequent Correction Notification” (X1-SendSubC) service script to process a corrected read notification for Customer Care and Billing by finding the account associated with the corrected read and creating an off cycle bill generator to handle associated correction processing.

Refer to The Big Picture of Usage Requests for more information about usage requests and usage transactions.

Field Activity Requests / Service Order Activities

Customer Care and Billing creates Field Activity Requests to initiate service orders to perform tasks at a service point. Most field activity requests are created:

  • When a customer service representative starts or stops service at a premise. When this happens, the system automatically creates field activity requests for each service point.

  • When service is cut due to lack of payment or reconnected for sufficient payment or arrangement.

When Customer Care and Billing creates a field activity request, a corresponding Service Order Activity is created to orchestrate the various activities required to fulfill the service order by continuously monitoring the status of the service point, device installation, and related measurements. This orchestration can include field activities to instruct a field crew to install, remove, or exchange a meter, as well as eligible smart meter command activities to connect or disconnect the meter, etc.

Service Order Field Activities are specific activities that typically exist only in Service Order Management and not Customer Care and Billing. However, field activity remarks notification, appointment notification (if required by the service order field activity), a missed appointment (which can create an adjustment) and create customer contact actions can be invoked in Customer Care and Billing when triggered from service order field activities.

Refer to Understanding Service Order Management for more information about service order activity processing.

Other Transactional Data

Data synchronization of interval register data, interval profiles, and field activities is performed via a data conversion and migration process. See Transactional Data Conversion for more information.