Conversion Task
The purpose of the Conversion Task is to maintain the conversion artifacts for Table or Maintenance Object. Please consider the following with respect to conversion tasks.
The business object lifecycle supports multiple attempts to re-generate the artifacts.
The re-generation could be triggered either manually or by the Conversion Artifact Generator. Only one set of the artifacts is relevant at any point of time, hence only one Conversion Task at the time can exists for a given Table or Maintenance Object.
Typically, Conversion Tasks are created by Conversion Artifact Generator. However, it can also be created manually by navigating to Admin —> Conversion Support —> Conversion Task.
Use the Conversion Task Query to search for an existing entry. Select the entry from the search results to navigate to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
Conversion Task references a Conversion Task Type and contains standard business object record information, including the creation date/time, status update date/time and creating user.
The task references the object – Table or Maintenance Object – for which the artifacts are generated.
The collection of task’s Related Objects store references to the Attachments that store a snapshot of the generated files. A new attachment is created after each generation run and linked to the Conversion Task for audit purposes.