Monitoring a Running Scheduler Batch Stream
A Scheduler Batch Stream is considered Running if it is one of the following statuses.
In Progress
You can monitor the progress of a running Scheduler Batch Stream by broadcasting it from the Running search by option search results. The broadcasted zone “View Stream Steps” shows progress of the stream such as what steps have already completed and their status, what is the currently running step(s) along with steps that have not yet started. You can monitor the progress of the stream by refreshing the page or by configuring the page to refresh automatically. To configure automatic page refresh, refer to the User Portal Preferences for this portal.
The “View Streams Steps” zone also has information on when the step started and completed, the duration the step ran for and the option to view the batch job run. Clicking on the “View” button displays the batch run details of the batch job.
Stream Operations
When performing operations on a scheduler batch stream, the operation is not immediately processed real-time. User can only make a request for a desired operation. SaaS Batch Scheduler processes these requests and updates scheduler batch stream run accordingly.
Following operations are allowed on the Running scheduler batch streams.
Cancel: A scheduler batch stream run can be canceled while in In Progress or Pausing state. When this operation is performed, scheduler batch stream is set to Canceling status. SaaS Batch Scheduler processes these requests and submits a cancelation request to cancel the underlying batch job. Once the underlying batch job is canceled, the scheduler batch stream is set to Canceled status. A Canceled scheduler batch stream is removed from this Running streams list and is displayed on the Completed streams list.
Stop: A scheduler batch stream run can be stopped while in In Progress state. When this operation is performed, scheduler batch stream is set to Stopping status. SaaS Batch Scheduler processes these requests and submits a cancelation request to cancel the underlying batch job. Once the underlying batch job is canceled, the scheduler batch stream is set to Stopped status. A Stopped scheduler batch stream is removed from this Running streams list and is displayed on the Suspended streams list
Note the difference between canceling a scheduler batch stream and stopping a scheduler batch stream. Canceling a scheduler batch stream cancels the steps in progress and cancels the scheduler batch stream so rest of the stream steps do not run. Stopping a scheduler batch stream stops the stream steps that are In Progress and stops the stream temporarily. A stopped stream can be re-started from the Suspended Streams list on the Scheduler Batch Streams Operations Suspended Search By Option. Re-starting a stopped stream re-starts the steps that were stopped and submits the batch jobs associated with those steps to continue rest of the processing of the scheduler batch stream.
Pause: A scheduler batch stream can be paused while In Progress state. The scheduler batch stream is set to Pausing status. SaaS Batch Scheduler processes these requests and pauses the scheduler batch stream once stream steps that are In Progress have completed. While the steps are In Progress, the scheduler batch stream is set to Pausing status. Once steps are complete, the scheduler batch stream is set to Paused status. If the stream steps that are In Progress are the last set of steps to be processed, then there are no steps remaining to pause the scheduler batch stream. Scheduler batch stream is not Paused and completes processing.
Interrupt: An interrupt operation is used when the scheduler batch stream is stuck in In Progress state for long period of time and is not progressing. When used, the interrupt operation cancels the steps that are currently In Progress and re-submits the batch jobs on those steps so that the rest of the steps in the scheduler batch stream can be processed.
Stream Step Operations:
Skip: A stream step(s) can be skipped by using the skip multi-action button on this zone. Only steps that are in “Not Submitted” state can be skipped.
The stream steps can be in one of the following states:
Not Submitted
In Progress