Scheduler Batch Stream Operations
The Scheduler Batch Stream Operations portal provides an overview of scheduler batch streams that are currently running or suspended or completed within the last week.
To navigate to Scheduler Batch Streams Operations portal, from the Admin menu, select Batch Operations, and select Scheduler Batch Stream Operations.
By default the Running Search By option is displayed where streams that are running can be searched. Broadcast any of the stream run for more information on status of each of its steps.
Two more Search By options are available to search the scheduler batch streams — 1. Suspended 2. Completed
Running Search By Option: This option displays Scheduler Batch Stream runs that are In Progress, Stopping, Pausing or Canceling statuses. Refer to Monitoring A Running Scheduler Batch Stream for more information.
Suspended Search By Option: This option displays Scheduler Batch Stream runs that are Failed, Stopped or Paused statuses. Refer to Monitoring A Suspended Scheduler Batch Stream for more information.
Completed Search By Option: This option displays Scheduler Batch Stream runs that are Ended or Canceled statuses. Refer to Monitoring A Completed Scheduler Batch Stream for more information