Cloud Services and Database Changes
This section outlines the database changes that apply to each of the following cloud services:
Billing Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Billing Cloud Service:
Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service:
Customer Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service:
Digital Asset Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Digital Asset Cloud Service:
Market Settlements Management Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Market Settlements Management Cloud Service:
Meter Solution Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Meter Solution Cloud Service:
Operational Device Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Operational Device Cloud Service:
Rate Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Rate Cloud Service:
Work and Asset Cloud Service
The following database changes apply to Oracle Utilities Work and Asset Cloud Service: