Recommended Printer Preferences
To get the best print quality on check endorsements, stubs and payment receipts, the following browser printer preferences are recommended.
Printer Preferences for Endorsements and Stubs
The paper size and font should be reset as follows:
1. From Settings, navigate to Printers and Scanners. Select the Endorsement printer and click Manage.
2. Select Printing Preferences.
3. On the Main tab, set Resolution to the highest setting of 160 x 144.
4. Navigate to the Layout tab to change the paper size. The default size is 230 x 297 mm. From the Paper Size drop-down list, select User Defined Paper Size.
5. On the User Defined Paper Size window, change the Paper Size Name to '80 x 100 mm'. Set Paper Width to 80.00 and Paper Length to 100.00. Click Save Paper Size and click OK.
6. The Layout tab is displayed with Paper Size defaulting to the new paper size, 80 x 100 mm.
7. Navigate to the Printer Settings tab to change the font. Select the True Font Type Substitution which then displays the Substitution options.
8. Select Substitute and click Advanced Settings.
9. On the Font Substitution page, select Substitute All.
10. Click Device Font Name where the list of available fonts is shown. Select FontA and click OK.
11. Click Apply and then click OK.
Printer Preferences for Payment Receipts
No changes are need for the Receipt Printer.
To verify the proper paper size and resolution settings are set:
1. Navigate to Settings. Select Receipt Printer and click Manage.
2. Select Printing Preferences.
3. On the Main tab, verify that the Resolution is set to “180 x 180”. This is set by default.
4. Navigate to Layout tab and check that the paper size is set to “Roll Paper 80 x 297”.
Browser Printer Settings
The following is an example of a browser's Print dialog. Note that printer settings may slightly vary by browser.
Firefox Print Settings
Printer Destination: EPSON TM-H6000IV Receipt
Orientation: Portrait
Paper Sixe: Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm
Scale: Fit to Page
Margins: Minimum
Options: Do not select Print headers and footers or backgrounds. Leave both blank.
Printer Destination: EPSON TM-H6000IV Endorse
Orientation: Portrait (Endorsements) - Landscape (Stubs)
Paper Sixe: 80 x 100 mm
Scale: Fit to Page
Margins: Minimum
Options: Do not select Print headers and footers or backgrounds. Leave both blank.
Note: Firefox has no print control setting for Quality as does Chrome and Edge. This makes a difference in the accuracy and quality of the print. There is still some information missing from the endorsement and stub and this is made worse by multiple endorsement messages defined on POS Master Configuration. The more endorsement messages to print on the endorsement, the more likelihood of the endorsement detail being either missing or garbled.
Chrome Print Settings
Printer Destination: EPSON TM-H6000IV Receipt
Layout: Portrait
Paper Sixe: Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm
Scale: Fit to Page
Margins: Minimum
Options: Do not select Print headers and footers or backgrounds. Leave both blank.
Printer Destination: EPSON TM-H6000IV Endorse
Layout: Portrait (Endorsements) - Landscape (Stubs)
Paper Sixe: 80 x 100 mm
Quality: 160 x 144 dpi (Endorsements/Stubs only)
Scale: Fit to Page
Margins: Minimum
Options: Do not select Print headers and footers or backgrounds. Leave both blank.
Edge Print Settings
Printer Destination: EPSON TM-H6000IV Receipt
Layout: Portrait
Paper Sixe: Roll Paper 80 x 297 mm
Scale: Actual Size 100
Margins: Minimum
Options: Do not select Print headers and footers or backgrounds. Leave both blank.
Printer Destination: EPSON TM-H6000IV Endorse
Layout: Portrait (Endorsements) - Landscape (Stubs)
Paper Sixe: 80 x 100 mm
Quality: 160 x 144 dpi (Endorsements/Stubs only)
Scale: Actual Size 100
Margins: Minimum
Options: Do not select Print headers and footers or backgrounds. Leave both blank.
When you are ready to print a receipt, endorsement or stub, select the appropriate printer from the Print drop-down list.
Also, pay close attention to Orientation/Layout depending on printing Receipts, Endorsement and Stubs.
Select the Receipt printer to print long, short and duplicate receipts.
Select the Endorse printer to print endorsements and stubs