Handling Exceptions

Errors in Scheduler Batch Stream

A batch job submitted as part of a Scheduler Batch Stream can run into error with one of its threads being in error. It could be because of business scenario or environment issue etc. In such a case, the corresponding Scheduler Batch Stream stops execution and its step ends in failed state. The cause for the failure is noted on the Additional Details column on the stream step. You can fix the issue and restart the stream via the multi-select Restart Stream option on the scheduler batch stream operations completed query option. Restarting a stream will result in the Scheduler Batch Stream continuing execution from the step that failed and finish through to end.


Once a Scheduler Batch Stream fails, its future scheduled runs no longer execute until the failed run is addressed.

Scheduler Batch Stream stuck in running status

A Scheduler Batch Stream can be stuck in Running status as one of its steps is in running status for too long. In this situation there are various options.

Cancelling a scheduler batch stream: The corresponding batch job submission is stuck in pending status as the thread pool name set on the batch control is invalid. In such case, the running Scheduler Batch Stream can be cancelled via the multi-select Cancel option. The thread pool name can then be set to a valid value and the Scheduler Batch Stream can be submitted manually via the Run Manually option on the Scheduler Batch Stream Definition or wait until it’s scheduled to run next.

Interrupting a scheduler batch stream: The corresponding batch job submission is stuck in started status while the respective batch run or batch threads have ended. In this case, the running scheduler batch stream can be interrupted via the multi-select Interrupt option. This sets the scheduler batch stream and respective steps in “Failed” state. The Restart Stream multi-select option can then be used to re-start the stream to continue execution from the step that failed and complete processing of stream.