Customer Data Migration
This section outlines the steps for migrating customer data to an Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service implementation that includes Customer Care and Billing, Meter Data Management, and Operational Device Management functionality.
Legacy Customer Information System Upgrading to Oracle Utilities Cloud Service
In this scenario a new customer using a legacy CIS application is upgrading to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service. This outline assumes that the legacy data has been loaded into staging tables.
Convert legacy person, account, premise, service point and service agreement to CC&B person, account, premise, service point and service agreement.
Convert legacy meter, meter configuration, register to MDM device, device configuration and measuring component.
Synchronize CC&B person, service point and service agreement to MDM contact, service point and usage subscription.
Copy production MDM SP to staging MDM SP
Build the staging MDM SP key mapping table.
Convert legacy install event to MDM install event.
Convert legacy meter to ODM asset.
The following steps only apply if ODM functionality is included.
Bind the MDM device to ODM asset.
Bind the ODM asset to MDM device.
Synchronize MDM service point to ODM service point.
Synchronize MDM install event to ODM asset disposition
Customer Care and Billing Upgrading to Oracle Utilities Cloud Service
In this scenario an existing Customer Care and Billing customer is upgrading to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service. This outline assumes that the CC&B meter data has been loaded into the MDM and ODM meter and asset staging tables.
Export CC&B database to single instance database.
Convert CC&B meter, meter configuration and register to MDM device, device configuration and measuring component.
Synchronize CC&B person, service point and service agreement to MDM contact, service point and usage subscription.
Build the staging CC&B SP key mapping table.
Copy production MDM SP to staging MDM SP.
Build the staging MDM SP key mapping table.
Convert CC&B install events to MDM install events.
Convert CC&B meters to ODM assets.
The following steps only apply if ODM functionality is included.
Bind the MDM devices to ODM assets.
Bind the ODM assets to MDM devices.
Synchronize MDM service points to ODM service points.
Synchronize MDM install events to ODM asset dispositions.
Integrated Customer Care & Billing and Meter Data Management Upgrading to Oracle Utilities Cloud Service
In this scenario an existing customer using integrated CC&B and MDM applications is upgrading to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service. This outline assumes that the MDM meter data has been loaded into the ODM staging tables.
Export CC&B database to database.
Export MDM database to database.
Convert MDM meters to ODM assets.
The following steps only apply if ODM functionality is included.
Synchronize MDM service points to ODM service points.
Synchronize MDM install events to ODM asset dispositions.
Create the MDM device identifiers from ODM asset identifiers.
Integrated Customer Care & Billing and Meter Data Management Upgrading to Oracle Utilities Cloud Service
In this scenario an existing customer using integrated CC&B and MDM applications is upgrading to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service. This outline assumes that the MDM meter data has been loaded into the ODM staging tables.
Export CC&B database to database.
Export MDM database to database.
Convert MDM meters to ODM assets.
The following steps only apply if ODM functionality is included.
Synchronize MDM service points to ODM service points.
Synchronize MDM install events to ODM asset dispositions.
Create the MDM device identifiers from ODM asset identifiers.
Integrated Customer Care & Billing, Meter Data Management and Operational Device Management Upgrading to Oracle Utilities Cloud Service
In this scenario an existing customer using integrated CC&B, MDM and ODM applications is upgrading to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service.
Export CC&B database to database.
Export MDM database to database.
Export ODM database to database.
Meter Data Management Install Event Migration
This section describes the issue when converting Meter Data Management install events into Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service using master data synchronization and other batch processes.
Install Event Conversion from Legacy CIS application
When migrating legacy data from a CIS application to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service implementation that includes Customer Care and Billing, Meter Data Management, and Operational Device Management functionality, the approach is to stage the customer related legacy data to corresponding CC&B staging tables.
After customer-related data such as persons, service points, and service agreements are successfully converted in the CC&B production tables, the initial load batch jobs are submitted to synchronize this customer-related data to MDM as contacts, service points, and usage subscriptions.
Similarly, after meter-related data such as devices, device configurations, measuring components, and install events are loaded to corresponding MDM staging tables, conversion batch jobs should be submitted.
The conversion process works well for devices, device configurations, and measuring components but not for install events.
This is due to the fact that MDM service point production table is populated through a synchronization process which results in an empty staging MDM SP table (D1_SP) and MDM SP legacy and production key mapping table (DK_SP), which are used in the foreign key resolution when inserting records to production MDM SP table.
To fix this issue, the staging MDM SP table (D1_SP) and MDM SP legacy and production key mapping table (DK_SP) must be populated with data from production MDM SP and SP identifier tables.
The following batch jobs are required to be run to populate these tables before running the MDM install event conversion process.
Batch Control
Copy To Staging D1_SP
Populates the staging MDM SP be copying the data from production SP with the legacy SP ID as the primary key
Copy To Staging DK_SP
Populates the MDM SP legacy and production key mapping table with the old key as legacy SP ID and with the new key as production SP ID
Install Event Conversion from Customer Care and Billing
When migrating legacy data from CC&B to Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service implementation that includes Customer Care and Billing, Meter Data Management, and Operational Device Management functionality, the approach is to re-use the existing customer-related data by porting these to the database using export/import or data pump database functions.
Customer-related data such as persons, service points, and service agreements are synchronized to MDM contacts, service points, and usage subscriptions through initial load batch jobs.
CC&B meter-related data such as meters, meter configurations, registers, and install events are loaded to corresponding MDM staging tables (devices, device configurations, measuring components, and install events) and conversion batch jobs should be submitted.
The same issue will be encountered regarding the install events conversion due to the empty staging MDM SP table (D1_ SP) and MDM SP legacy and production key mapping table (DK_SP), used in the foreign key resolution when inserting records to production MDM SP table. In addition, the job that populates the MDM SP legacy and production key mapping table (DK_SP) will not work because it is dependent on the CC&B SP legacy and production key mapping table (CK_SP).
To fix this issue, the CC&B SP legacy and production key mapping table (CK_SP) will have to be populated with data from production CC&B SP.
The following batch jobs are required to be run to populate these tables before running the MDM install event conversion process.
Batch Control
Copy To Staging CK_SP
Populates the CC&B legacy and production key mapping table old and new keys with the production CC&B SP ID
Copy To Staging D1_SP
Populates the staging MDM SP be copying the data from production SP with the legacy SP ID as the primary key
Copy To Staging DK_SP
Populates the MDM SP legacy and production key mapping table with the old key as legacy SP ID and with the new key as production SP ID