Configuring the Export Process
This section describes the setup needed to enable export processing, including establishing communication between the Oracle Utilities cloud service and Object Storage, configuring batch parameters, and testing the export process.
Setting Up Communication Between Cloud Service and Object Storage
The export process requires authentication and communication between the Oracle Utilities cloud service and Object Storage. See Chapter 18: Object Storage Connection Management for more information about setting up this communication and authentication.
Configuring File Export Batch Parameters
The next step is to configure the following parameters of the file export batch control created earlier:
File Name: the name of the exported file
File Path: the path to file location in Object Storage. The format for the path is as follows:
file-storage://<File Location>/<Bucket>
<File-Location>: The File Storage Configuration extendable lookup value defined for that file. This will include the compartment identification.
<Bucket>: The object storage bucket in the compartment that is defined as part of the File Storage Configuration extendable lookup value.
For example, the "File-Export" bucket in a compartment that is referenced in the "AB-Export" File Storage Configuration extendable lookup value can be referenced as:
Other Parameters: The batch control supports other optional parameters, including:
XML Root Name: used to declare the name of root-node in generated xml (when exporting files in xml format)
File Delimiter: used to define the delimiter used in delimited files
Refer to the batch control for information about other parameters.
Testing the Export Process
The last step is to test the export process.
To test the export process:
1. Run the file export batch process.
2. Navigate to the Batch Run Tree portal to verify the job has run successfully.
3. Navigate to targeted bucket inside Object Storage and verify the exported file.