Restoring from a Backup
The restore is solely for the purpose of recovering from a data loss or corruption issue in production environments. It is not for the purpose of functional or testing needs. The customer or system integrator will request the point in time recovery operation by opening a Service Request with Oracle Support.
Request Specifications
The backup being requested to be restored must be of same environment.
The target environment to where the back-up would be restored should have the same patch version of application code as in the back-up.
The backup must be from the same patch version of code as the target environment to be used for a restore.
The restore impacts the database, not object storage files or application code.
Customer Obligations
Retention Policy
Backups are only retained for 60 days for RMAN backup, so any request to restore should be within this period.
For Backups taken via copy of Database (see Requesting a Database Copy), the default retention in 7 business days. Maximum retention in this case will be 30 days with business justification needed from customer end.
When creating the Severity1(SEV1) service request, the customer needs to specify the point in time details on the restoration to be done, the environment which needs the restoration, and the date and time (including time zone) by which the restoration has to be performed.
The customer should note the patch version of code in the backup, as it will only be able to be restored to a target environment on the same patch version.
Oracle Cloud Operations Team Obligations
Acknowledge and schedule the execution of the service request
Coordinate with Infrastructure teams (if needed) for completion of the service request
Communicate the status upon completion of the service request
Service Level Objective
Advanced Notice: This is for an emergency situation, hence no advanced notice is required.
Acknowledge/Schedule: 4 hours
Execution Time: Based on the size of the database. Minimum 1 business day
Outage Expected: Yes, on the environment where backup will be restored.