Use the RESPONSEUTILLIB function library to retrieve/extract specific values from the response XML for a component request, generated as part of the flow run. The library covers data retrieval routines for in the returned response XML.
This section provides a list of functions in the library, along with the usage details.
This function stores the complete web service response body into a global variable specified against the Output Variable Name column. The output variable is used as input to the COREVALIDATEVARIABLELIB and COREVERIFYCONDITIONVARIABLELIB, which can be used to bypass or skip component as part of a run based on certain conditions.
Input Parameters: NA
Return Type: String
This function takes the xpath of an element as input and outputs the value of the xpath in the response into a global variable specified against the Output Variable Name column. If there are multiple occurrences of the element, the corresponding values will be returned as a comma separated list and stored in to the variable specified against the OP Variable Name column.
setVariableFromResponseList(String xPath)
setVariableFromResponseList (contact/mobileNumber)
Input Parameters: String xPath
Return Type: String
This function helps to retrieve specific values from a reoccurring list in the response, based on certain condition that can be applied on other elements in the same list. It takes the xpath of an element whose value needs to be retrieved, the xpath of an element whose value needs to be compared and a filter condition for comparison operation as inputs and outputs the value/values of the xpath in the response that corresponds to the filter condition into a global variable specified against the Output Variable Name column. If there are multiple occurrences of the element satisfying the provided condition, then the corresponding values will be returned as a comma separated list and stored in to the output variable.
The first parameter holds the xpath of the element whose value has to be retrieved.
The second parameter holds the xpath of the element within the repeated list, whose value needs to be compared for a specific condition.
The third parameter holds the comparison condition.
setVariableFromResponseListWithFilter(String xPathToRetrieve, String xPathToCompare, String Comparison)
Input Parameters:
String xPath, String xPath, String comparisionCondition
Return Type: String
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
<ouaf:batchStartDateTime>2020-07-02T22:40:31+08:00</ ouaf:batchStartDateTime>
To retrieve all the batchJobId values, where the batchParameterValue is "K1-STAGING" the function call would be as follows:
setVariableFromResponseListWithFilter("batchJobExtraParameter/batchJobId", "batchJobExtraParameter/batchParameterValue", "==K1-STAGING")
The "==" operator in the 3rd input parameter to the function performs an "is equal to" comparison with the specified value.
The following are the supported operators for comparison operation:
""==" compares to check if the value in the response is equal to the value in the condition
""!=" compares to check if the value in the response is not equal to the value in the condition
"">" compares to check if the value in the response is greater than the value in the condition (works only with numerical values
"">=" compares to check if the value in the response is greater than or equal to the value in the condition (works only with numerical values
""<" compares to check if the value in the response is less than the value in the condition (works only with numerical values
""<=" compares to check returns true if the value in the response is less than or equal to the value in the condition (works only with numerical values
""*" compares to check for any character:
If the condition starts with “*”, it will evaluate the condition as satisfied if the value in response ends with the value in the condition.
Example: *close will be evaluated as valid for values like enclose.
If the condition ends with "*", it will evaluate the condition as satisfied if the value in response starts with the value in the condition.
Example: pen* will be evaluated as valid for values like pending.
If the condition begins and ends with “*”, it will evaluate the condition as satisfied if the value in response contains the value in the condition.
Example: *en* will return true for values like pending.
If only “*” is provided without any value, the function checks for the existence of the element and will evaluate the condition as valid if the element exists irrespective of the value.
If “!*” is present, it will check for the non-existence of the element and will consider the condition as valid if the element is not present in the list
This is an extension of the setVariableFromReponseListWithFilter function that helps to retrieve specific values from a reoccurring list in the response, based on a condition that can be applied on other elements in the same list, but instead of a single condition that was allowed in the setVariableFromReponseListWithFilter function, this function allows users to provide two conditions.
This function takes the xpath of an element whose value needs to be retrieved, the xpath of the elements whose values need to be compared and two filter conditions corresponding to those xpath elements for comparison operation as inputs. The function outputs the value/values of the xpath in the response that corresponds to the filter conditions into a global variable specified against the Output Variable Name column. If there are multiple occurrences of the element satisfying the provided conditions, then the corresponding values will be returned as a comma separated list and stored in to the output variable.
The first parameter holds the xpath of the element whose value has to be retrieved.
The second parameter holds the xpath of the element within the repeated list, whose value needs to be compared as the first condition.
The third parameter holds the comparison condition corresponding to the second parameter.
The fourth parameter holds the xpath of the element within the repeated list, whose value needs to be compared as the second condition.
The fifth parameter holds the comparison condition corresponding to the fourth parameter, which is the second condition to be evaluated.
setVariableFromResponseListWithFilter(String xPathToRetrieve, String xPathToCompareFirstCondition, String ComparisonForFirst Condition, String xPathToCompareForSecondCondition, String ComparisonForSecondCondition)
Input Parameters:
String xPath, String xPath, String comparisionCondition, String xPath, String comparisionCondition
Return Type: String
Refer to the setVariableFromResponseListWithFilter function for details on valid comparison conditions and their usage.
This is a supporting util function for the setVariableFromReponseListWithFilter & setVariableFromReponseListWithFilters functions, which takes the a comma separated list of values and returns the value in the list corresponding to the index provided as the second input to the function.
getValueFromListWithIndex(String commaSeperatedList, String indexNumber)
Input Parameters:
String CommaSeperatedList , String IndexNumber
Return Type: String
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved and used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves a set of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath. The occurrences of reoccurring groups to be retrieved for the given xpath can specified using the startIndex and endIndex parameters. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable. Further functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the repeating list groups.
getGroupsInIntervalFromResponse (String xpath, String startIndex, String endIndex)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose elements & values need to be retrieved.
startIndex - starting occurrence number of list that needs to be retrieved.
endIndex - Ending occurrence number of the list that needs to be retrieved.
Output Parameters:
String - The XML string holding all the elements & values of repeating group of elements between the start and end indexes specified.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
To retrieve the group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter for the second and third occurrence of the group.
Call the function using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
startIndex: 2
endIndex: 3
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved and used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves a first set of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable. Further functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the XML string.
getFirstGroupFromResponse (String xpath)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose first occurrence of elements & values need to be retrieved.
Output Parameters:
String - The XML string holding all the elements & values of the first occurrence of the repeating group of elements.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
To retrieve the first group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter.
The function needs to be called using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved and used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves a set of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath. The occurrences of reoccurring groups to be retrieved for the given xpath can specified using the numberOfOccurrences parameter. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable.
Further functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the repeating list groups.
getFirstNGroupsFromResponse (String xpath, String numberOfOccurrences)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose elements & values need to be retrieved.
NumberOfOccurrences - the occurrences of the group of list elements starting from 1, whose elements and values have to be retrieved.
Output Parameters:
String - The XML string holding all the elements & values of repeating group of elements for the specified number of occurrences.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
In order to retrieve the group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter for first 2 occurrences of the group.
The function needs to be called using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
numberOfOccurrences: 2
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved and used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves all the sets (occurrences) of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable. Further functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the repeating list groups.
getAllGroupsFromResponse (String xpath)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose elements & values need to be retrieved.
Output Parameters: String - The XML string holding all the elements & values of repeating group of under the parent element.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
To retrieve the group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter for all the occurrences of the group.
The function needs to be called using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved and used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves the last set (occurrence) of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable. Further functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the repeating list groups.
getLastGroupFromResponse (String xpath)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose elements & values need to be retrieved.
Output Parameters:
String - The XML string holding the elements & values of the last occurrence of the repeating group of elements under the parent element.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
To retrieve the group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter for the last occurrence of the group.
The function needs to be called using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved and used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves a set of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath. The occurrences (Starting from the end of reoccurrence group) of reoccurring groups to be retrieved for the given xpath can specified using the numberOfLastNOccurrences parameter. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable.
The other functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the repeating list groups.
getLastNGroupsFromResponse (String xpath, String numberOfLastNOccurrences)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose elements & values need to be retrieved.
NumberOfLastNOccurrences - the occurrences of the group of list elements starting from the end/total, whose elements and values have to be retrieved.
Output Parameters:
String - The XML string holding all the elements and values of repeating group of elements for the specified number of occurrences from last.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
To retrieve the group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter for last 2 occurrences of the group.
The function needs to be called using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
numberOfOccurrences: 2
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements that will have to be retrieved based on some conditions to be applied on the elements in the group, to be used in later components in the same flow, then this function can be used to retrieve the groups of XML elements and their values.
This function retrieves a set of the XML group elements under the provided parent element's xpath subject to a specified condition. The condition based on which the reoccurring groups are to be retrieved for the given xpath can specified using the corresponding xpath and the conditional parameters. The output of the function is a group of list elements in XML format that can be stored in to a global variable.
The other functions in this library can be used to extract specific values from the output variable containing the repeating list groups.
getGroupsFromResponseWithFilter (String xpath, String elementXpathForCondition, String condition)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the list whose elements & values need to be retrieved.
elementXpathForCondition - xpath of the element within the list whose value needs to be validated against the specified condition, for match.
condition - The condition to be applied on the element specified against elementXpathForCondition parameter. For the supported list of conditions, refer to the list of conditional statements specified under the function "setVariableFromReponseListWithFilter"
Output Parameters:
String - The XML string holding the elements & values of repeating group of elements between whose element matches the conditional statement specified.
Consider the following XML as the response XML for a component in a flow:
<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">
<ouaf:ATF1BatchSubmission_READ xmlns:ouaf=\"\">
To retrieve the group of elements under the batchJobExtraParameter parent element, whose sequence is greater than 20, the function needs to be called using the following input parameters:
xpath: batchJobExtraParameter
elementXpathForCondition: sequence
condition: >20
Output XML String:
If an XML response to a component request has multiple occurrences of a group of list elements whose group count needs to be determined, then this function can be used to retrieve the number of occurrences of the groups of XML elements. The output of the function is the number of occurrences of the group that can be stored in to a global variable.
getResponseGroupSize (String xpath)
Input Parameters:
xpath - xpath of the parent element of the group whose occurrence count needs to be determined.
Output Parameters:
String - The count of the number of occurrences of the specified group.