Post-Installation Tasks
Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator components and flows require Oracle Utilities’ application specific metadata to exist in the environment on which the automation test cases are executed. This metadata includes automation specific Business Objects, Business Scripts, Data Areas, and Web Services.
This section includes the tasks to be performed after installing the components and flows:
Starting/Stopping Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Runtime Executor
Use the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Runtime Executor service to run the flows through a browser.
To start the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Runtime Executor:
1. Navigate to the installation folder (the Oracle Home folder).
2. Run the following command:
To start the application on a specific port:
1. Provide the port value for the “server.port” property in the file under the installation folder.
2. Update the “runtime.port” property value in the file under the installation folder.
Example: To configure the application to run on port 12500, the server.port property is as follows:
server.port=12500 (in
runtime.port=12500 (in
To stop Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Runtime Executor:
1. Navigate to the installation folder (the Oracle Home folder).
2. Run the following command:
Starting/Stopping Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator
To start Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator:
1. Navigate to the installation folder (the Oracle Home folder).
2. Run the following command:
To start the application on a specific port provide the port value for the “server.port” property in the file present under the installation folder.
Example: To configure the application to run on port 12500, the server.port property is:
To stop Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator:
1. Navigate to the installation folder (the Oracle Home folder).
2. Run the following command:
Note: Make sure that the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Runtime Executor is up and running. For instructions refer to the Starting/Stopping Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Runtime Executor section.
Securing the Installation Folder
The Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator installation folder contains the credentials store and other properties related to the application. Administrators are expected to restrict access to the installation folder to only authorized users.
Importing Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Certificates
Run the following steps using a browser either on the server where the application is installed or on a client machine that has a browser installed and can access the application.
To import the security key store into Java key store:
1. Enter the Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator URL (HTTPS) in the browser.
Example: Google Chrome
2. Click Continue to this Website (not recommended) link on the Security certificate page.
3. Click Certificate error in the address bar.
4. Click the View certificates link on the Certificate Invalid pop-up window.
5. On the Details tab, click Copy to File.
6. Click Browse and select the file to export.
7. Click Next.
8. Review the settings and click Finish.
9. Copy the created certificate file to the server where the application is installed.
10. Set the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables point to the correct JDK version used to install the application.
Verify this by entering the java -version command at the shell prompt. It should return the correct JDK version that was used while installing Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator.
11. Run the following command as “root user”:
keytool -import -alias <alias name> -keystore <certificate store location> -file <certificate location>
alias name: Name for the certificate, typically the name of the server
certificate store location: Location of cacerts. Example: $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
certificate location: Location of the certificate file (as in step 9)
When prompted for password, enter “changeit”.
12. Restart the application for changes to take effect.
Importing Application Specific Metadata Bundles
To import metadata bundles into an Oracle Utilities application:
1. Login to the Oracle Utilities application.
Example: Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing application
2. Open the application specific IWS bundle located at <TEMPDIR>/Client / <Product>/<ProductVersion> folder and copy the content of the bundle.
Example: Navigate to the <TEMPDIR>/Client/resourceBundles/CCB/, open CCB2600_UTA501_IWS_CHG.xmland copy the content.
Note: Before importing any product-specific metadata bundles, ensure that the Core metadata bundle is imported. For more details, refer to Importing Components and Flows in Oracle Utilities Testing Accelerator Workbench.
3. Navigate to Admin > Implementation Tools > Bundle Import > Add.
4. Provide the External Reference and Detailed Description.
5. Paste the XML content from Step 2 into the Bundle Details field.
6. Click Save.
7. On the Bundle Import page, check if the status of the bundle is ‘Pending’.
8. Click Apply.
The metadata bundle is imported successfully. The Bundle Import screen displays the status as ‘Applied’.
Importing Inbound Web Service Bundles
To import the Inbound Web Service (IWS) bundles into an Oracle Utilities application:
1. Login to the Oracle Utilities application.
Example: Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management
2. Open the application specific IWS bundle located at <TEMPDIR>/Client/<Product >/<ProductVersion> and copy the content of the bundle.
Example: Navigate to <TEMPDIR>/Client/MWM\\. Open MWM2300_IWS.xml using a text editor and copy the content.
3. Navigate to Admin > Implementation Tools > Bundle Import > Add.
4. Provide the External Reference and Detailed Description.
5. Paste the xml content from Step 2 into the Bundle Details field.
6. Click Save.
7. On the Bundle Import page, check if the status of the bundle is ‘Pending’.
8. Click Apply.
The metadata bundle is imported successfully. The Bundle Import screen displays the status as ‘Applied’.
Deploying Inbound Web Services
To deploy the Inbound Web Service bundles:
Important! Make sure that the application specific Inbound Web Services bundle is imported successfully into the Oracle Utilities application.
1. Login to the Oracle Utilities application where the Inbound Web Services have to be deployed.
2. Navigate to Admin > Integration > Inbound Web Service Deployment. The Inbound Web Services imported successfully into the application are displayed with the ‘Needs Deploy’ status.
3. Click Deploy to deploy the services.
Note: If the Deploy button is not enabled in the application, refer to the Oracle Utilities Application Framework Administration Guide for instructions on how the web services can be deployed on the server.
4. Click Refresh to view the deployment status.
Note that the Inbound Web Services should be deployed before they can be used for automation.
Applying Prerequisite Patches
There are certain Oracle Utilities application specific patches that should be installed in the respective application before executing any automation flows in it.
For details about patches in this release, refer to Appendix A: Prerequisite Patches.