Cube View Details
Clicking the Details button on the cube viewer Toolbar allows you to maintain the following information for the cube view:
The short Description for display in the viewer header and a more Detailed Description for capturing additional information about the cube view.
An Access Type of shared, private or public.
The Access Group that defines the group of users with access to the cube view. This field is only visible if the access type is shared.
A specific User who has sole access to the cube view. This field is only visible if the access type is private.
The Row Functions text box in which the functions to be applied to the values across the rows in the data grid are defined. Clicking anywhere in the box will display a list of supported functions to choose from.
The Column Functions text box in which the functions to be applied to the values in the columns in the data grid are defined. Clicking anywhere in the box will display a list of supported functions to choose from.
An Inactivate button. Click this button to deactivate this cube view.
The Fixed Parameters for the cube view are displayed but cannot be updated here. Refer to Configuring Cube Types for more information on cube view parameters.